Here's a bright idea: instead of radio waves, use light to get online.
妙点子的原理是这样的:不利用无线电波,而是利用光线来上网 。
Unlike wi-fi, or wireless fidelity, so-called “li-fi” transmits data through variations in light intensity.
与wi-fi,或熟知的无线保真不同,所谓的li-fi通过光强度的变化传输数据 。
Researchers in China recently showed that, using a one-watt LED bulb, li-fi could connect four computers to the Internet at data transfer rates up to 150 megabits per second.
最近中国的研究者们发现,使用一个1瓦特的LED灯泡,li-fi就可以以带宽150兆/秒的传输速率连接4台电脑接入互联网 。
Earlier this year, German scientists sent data at three Gigabits per second using LED lamps, in controlled conditions in their lab.
今年早些时候,德国科学家在他们的实验室中特定条件下使用LED灯以每秒3吉位的速度发送数据 。
They later demonstrated 500 megabits per second speeds in a real-world setting.
而后他们在现实生活环境中展现了500兆/秒的速度 。
Most wi-fi connections don't even come close to 100 megabits per second.
然而大多数的wi-fi连接甚至达不到100 兆/秒 。
Li-fi has drawbacks.
同样li-fi也有缺点 。
The technology works only when the LED's light can reach the gadget.
这项技术只能仰仗LED这个小装置的光源 。
Stray from the LED, and you lose your connection.
没有了LED,你就会失去一切联系 。
On the plus side, the visible light spectrum can handle way more traffic than wi-fi's already crowded radio spectrum.
另外, 相比wi-fi拥挤的无线电频谱,可见光谱可以应对更多的传输方式 。
And any LED bulb can be a network connection.
而且任何的LED灯泡都可以是一个网络连接 。
We may someday look back at wi-fi as technology from the dark ages.
我们总有一天会追忆来自于黑暗时代wi-fi技术 。