When you hear the word "mutation," you may think of something destructive, or of Marvel's X-Men. But some mutations—which are just differences in DNA—can be historic. Take, for example, a genetic sequence found in the vast majority of people from Tibet.
Millions of Tibetans spend their days at average elevations of nearly 15,000 feet—that's more than half the height of Mount Everest. Up there, the air is thin—with 40 percent less oxygen than at sea level. That lack of O2 would leave most Westerners struggling for breath, but Tibetans seem to breathe easy.
。那儿,空气稀薄——氧含量比水平面低40% 。由于缺乏氧气,大多数来到此地的西方人都会感到呼吸困难 。但藏族人却不会 。To find out how these highlanders cope, researchers compared the DNA of 90 Tibetans to that of people who are not altitude adapted. And they discovered a single change that prevents Tibetans' blood from becoming dangerously clogged with red blood cells—a response that can be deadly for non-native mountaineers. The finding is described in the journal Nature Genetics.
This mutation appears to have originated just 8,000 years ago. But it's so advantageous that today nearly 90 percent of Tibetans have it. While it's virtually absent in even closely related lowland neighbors.
The finding demonstrates that a really useful mutation will always rise to the top.
1.Mount Everest珠穆朗玛峰
Birds fly over Mount Everest at altitudes where the air is so thin humans can’t function, and no one knows how they do it.
鸟可以在珠穆朗玛峰上空飞行,但山上空气太稀薄人类无法呼吸,没有人知道它们是怎么做到的 。
2.sea level 海平面
The Turban Basin in Xinjiang is the world's lowest-lying basin, the lowest point being 154 metres below sea level.
中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地 。 盆地最低点在海平面以下154米 。
3.clog with阻塞
Some electric clippers are unsuitable for the Bedlington coat, mainly because they clog with hair too easily.
一些电剪并不适合贝林登梗毛,这主要是因为他们太容易被毛堵住了 。