Women might expect to need new clothes after giving birth. But a bigger pair of shoes? Well, yeah. Because pregnancy can actually lengthen and widen a woman's feet. That's according to a study in the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation that's probably not a surprise to a lot of women.
女人生完孩子后可能需要重买衣服 。但尺码更大的鞋子呢?嗯,也需要 。因为怀孕确实能让女人的脚变大变长 。这个说法来源于《美国物理医学与康复》杂志上的一项研究,且对于大多数女人来说这并不奇怪 。
Neil Segal, a rehab doc at the University of Iowa, heard that some local women had to don larger shoes after pregnancy. So he and colleagues measured the feet of 49 women during their first trimester and again five months after childbirth. Indeed, nearly half the women went up a shoe size after childbirth, to accommodate their longer, flatter feet. And multiple pregnancies may add to that effect, Segal says.
一位爱荷华大学的康复医生,尼尔·西格尔听说有些当地女人怀孕后不得不换上更大码的鞋子 。于是他和同事测量了49位处于妊娠初期的女性的脚的尺寸,分娩后五个月再进行一次测量 。事实上,几乎有一半的女性在生孩子后,为了适应变长变宽的双脚而买更大号的鞋子 。多胎妊娠的影响则更明显,西格尔说道 。
Pregnant women produce a hormone called "relaxin," which makes the pelvis more flexible. That's good for childbirth. But the hormone can affect joints and ligaments elsewhere, like in the foot. Adding pregnancy weight to that flexibility can lead to permanent flattening of the foot's arch—associated with knee and hip pain in older women. Segal's now investigating whether custom shoe inserts can protect women against that risk, and help get motherhood off on the right foot.
怀孕的女人体内会分泌一种被称作“松弛素”的荷尔蒙,松弛素会使女性的骨盆变得更灵活 。这有助于分娩 。然而,这种荷尔蒙同时会对关节和韧带起作用 。在孕期体重增加的同时保持灵活性,代价就是足部供体永久性变宽,等女人们上了年纪膝关节和臀部就会开始疼痛 。如今西格尔正在研究一种定制的鞋子,看它是否能够帮助女人们预防这个风险,帮助妈妈们拥有正常的双脚 。