Many of us spend lots of time tapping out words on a keyboard.
Now a team of M.I.T. researchers thinks that how we type might reveal hidden information about the state of our brains.
They designed a study in which a computer could detect which subjects were alert and which were fatigued, just from their typing.
The researchers focused on how long any particular key was depressed.
They designed a program to evaluate the keystrokes, and ignore the actual content being typed.
For the study, 14 volunteers, seven women and seven men, had to type a Wikipedia article when they were fully alert.
Then they were woken up about 70 to 80 minutes after they'd fallen asleep, when they were in deep slumber.
They then had to type out another article while still drowsy.
The result: how long they held down the keys varied much more when they were sleepy than when they were alert.
The research will be published in the journal Scientific Letters.
In their write up the team says that such a system could be useful as a safety feature on software programs for night shifts, to identify users who have become incapacitated by sleepiness.
A variation on the program could help diagnose or monitor neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's by tracking changes in someone's ability to manipulate the common keyboard.
现在麻省理工学院的一组研究人员想了解我们打字的方式是否可以揭示出大脑状态的一些隐秘信息 。
出于这样的考虑他们设计出一项实验,一台计算机会根据打字情况检测出受试者思维敏捷还是疲惫不堪 。
这些研究人员们关注的是特别字母按下的时间 。
他们设计了一个程序专门用来评价键盘的按键而非录入的实际内容 。
这项研究有14名志愿者,男女各占7人 。他们被要求在完全清醒的状态下录入维基百科的一篇文章 。
而后在睡着70-80分钟后他们被叫醒,此时这项受试者应是处在深度睡眠状态 。
然后在这种昏昏欲睡的状态下他们再次录入另一篇文章 。
结果显示昏睡状态下敲击键盘的时间明显不同于清醒的时候 。
这项研究已在《科学通讯》杂志上发表 。
在这篇文章中研究人员指出,这样的系统可用于夜班相关的软件作为安全措施使用,用来确认睡意来袭无法继续工作的用户 。
这个程序中的一个变化可通过追踪个人操作相同键盘时候的变化差异帮助诊断或者检测像是帕金森症等的神经退行性疾病 。
1.focus on 关注
例句:Another is the focus on long-term fiscal sustainability.
另一个是关注长期财政可持续性 。
2.type out 打字
例句:Would you please type out my itinerary?
3.wake up 叫醒
例句:The worst nightmares are the ones you cannot wake up from.
最可怕的噩梦就是你无法从噩梦中醒来 。
4.fall asleep 睡着
例句:This may help you relax enough to fall asleep.
这可以让你身心放松,迅速入睡 。