Touch your smartphone screen and you get local weather or a street map.
轻触你的智能手机屏幕,马上就能够获取本地天气或者街道地图 。
So you might assume that mobile phones know exactly where you are.
所以你想当然的认为移动电话可以定位你的所在 。
But get into trouble and you might find your phone isn't watching you as closely as you thought.
如果这样你麻烦就大了,你也许会发现自己的手机压根不是想得那样精准 。
Emergency responders recently told the Wall Street Journal that their 911 dispatchers have trouble getting help to the location of cell phone callers.
紧急应答机构最近爆料给华尔街杂志他们的911救援调度人员在帮助手机用户定位问题上陷入了麻烦 。
And a report this summer showed more than half of all California wireless 911 calls in certain areas didn't have location information.
而今年夏天的一项调查报告显示,加州地区所有的无线911呼叫电话中有一半以上显示不出具体位置信息 。
One way to locate a cell phone is through GPS, assuming the phone has one and it's outdoors.
定位手机的一种方式是通过GPS全球定位系统,前提是手机具备这项功能而且身在户外 。
Another is through location-based services.
另一种方法则是通过固定在地面的服务器 。
These follow the signals sent between your phone and your wireless network's radio towers.
这些设备会追踪从你的手机到无线网络发射塔距离之间的信号 。
But towers can be miles apart, making it hard to pinpoint locations and adding minutes to response times.
但也许离你并不近的发射塔使得精确定位有些困难,而且反应时间会有延迟 。
Responders want wireless companies to include location data with each call, something privacy advocates oppose.
救援应答组织希望无线公司提供每通电话的具体位置信息,而其中有些是隐私权倡导者所反对的 。
It's a matter of perspective.
而这完全是由看法不同所导致 。
Sometimes you want to be off the grid.
But in a crisis, the grid could be your best friend.
但危险时刻,这些位置坐标可能是你的救命稻草 。
A smartphone's processor speed is around 1 gigahertz.
智能手机处理器的速度大约是1千兆赫兹 。
I dinged ipad for not being a smartphone or laptop replacement.
我说过ipad不会成为智能手机或笔记本的替代品 。
2.street map 街道图
Why do not you buy a street map?
I was not the only person editing the open street map.
我不是唯一编辑公开地图的人 。
3.get into trouble陷入困境,被警察传讯
Be quiet unless you want to get into trouble.
除非你想惹麻烦,否则你就安静点 。
Every day I see a lot of people get into trouble confusing these two things.
每天我都能看到许多人们因为对二者的迷惑而陷入困境 。
It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.
几乎不可能确认死因 。
If you can pinpoint exactly what the anger is about...
如果你能确切地解释愤怒从何而来 。
5.perspective 观点,看法
Maybe we just need to change our perspective.
也许我们恰好需要改变我们的观点 。
My perspective is of cautious but resolute optimism.
我对这些问题的看法虽然谨慎但坚定而乐观 。