Having a kid changes everything, from your sleep schedule to the status of that formerly spare room. The stable of bacteria that live in a woman's gut is also transformed when their host becomes pregnant. So finds research in the journal Cell.
有了孩子一切就变了,不仅睡觉时间变得不规律,之前空余的房间也会大变样 。女人怀孕后,寄生在肠道里的细菌的稳定性也在悄然改变 。在《细胞》杂志上可发现这项研究 。
The study looked at women in Finland. The women's microbial makeup changed dramatically between the first and third trimesters. The array of microbes in the gut went from looking normal in the first three months of a pregnancy to resembling what's found in patients suffering from metabolic disease in the last three.
研究中观察了芬兰的妇女 。在早期妊娠和晚期妊娠之间,妇女们的微生物组织方面发生了巨大的改变 。肠道内的微生物种类从怀孕前三个月的正常,发展到后三个月与患有新城代谢疾病的病人类似 。
But some of the symptoms of that condition—like weight-gain and slower sugar metabolism—can be beneficial to pregnant women, supporting energy storage that helps a fetus develop. Other symptoms, like inflammation, demonstrate that the immune system is functioning properly as a pregnancy comes to term.
但是这种情况下的某些症状,比如说体重增加和糖类代谢缓慢都对孕妇身体有益处,有助于孕妇储存能量,以促使婴儿发育 。其他一些症状,比如说炎症就说明在怀孕过程中免疫系统功能正常 。
Scientists don't yet fully understand what brings about the changes in gut bacteria—immune function is a suspect, but factors like hormonal signals aren't ruled out. The research suggests that other changes to the body, like puberty or old age, could also bring about microbial makeovers.
科学家们并不完全了解肠道细菌的变化因什么引起——免疫功能只是一种猜测,而且荷尔蒙信号这类因素也可以排除不考虑 。这项研究显示身体的其他变化,比如说青春期和老龄期,也能引发体内微生物发生巨变 。