日期:2012-01-10 13:49


A: Can you tell me about some good deals on produce? 能告诉我这里有没有在打折的食物?
B: The mangoes are on sale today. 今天芒果打折。
A: What exactly are mangoes? 芒果具体是什么样的?
B: They have yellowish red skin. It's a fruit with one big seed. 他们有黄红色的外皮。是一种中间有种子的水果。
A: Is the seed edible? 种子能吃吗?
B: Maybe if you were a parrot. I wouldn't recommend it. 也许如果你不是真的想买,我就不该给你推荐了。
A: How much does a mango cost? 一个芒果多少钱?
B: Normally, they're $2 each. Today, they're only $1 each. 它们通常是2美元一个。今天,它们一个只要一元。
A: Maybe I won't like the taste. 或许我不是很喜欢芒果的味道。
B: It's hard to describe. They're sweet, but also sort of acidity. 这个很难描述。它们很甜,但是会有点酸。
A: How do I tell the difference between a ripe one and an unripe one? 我怎么知道哪个是熟了的,哪个是没有熟的?
B: They're similar to an avocado. When the outside feels soft, they're ripe. 它和鳄梨有点像。当外皮变软了,它们就成熟了。
A: Where do most of them come from? 它们大多产自哪里?
B: These are from Mexico. 它们产自墨西哥。

  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎
  • acidityn. 酸性,酸度
  • producen. 产品,农作物 vt. 生产,提出,引起,分娩,制片
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • ediblen. 食品,食物 adj. 可食用的