相约美剧 学生活口语第62期:课堂受罚
日期:2011-10-06 11:06


本文选自Kyle XY《神奇凯尔》。数学课上Hillary给Lori传纸条,结果被老师发现,Lori被罚留堂。

Mr.Miller: OK. Fire up those brains and check this out people. Solve it by the end of the semester and you get an automatic A in my class.
Mr.Miller: A professor at MIT presented this problem. It took his students six weeks to crack it. Sort of like a mathematical Mount Everest if you will.
Mr.Miller: Trager, Comma, Lori. Discussing the Jacobin Algorithm?
Lori: Um. What?
Mr.Miller: Didn't think so. Conduct your personal business, on your own time. And as for wasting mine, I'll see you after school.


1. fire up 激发,煽动,激起热情
例句:The teacher is good at firing up the imagination of his pupils.
2. check (it) out 看看这个,查看,观看
例句:Check out the prices at our new store! 看看我们商店的新价格吧。
Check out 还有结账离开(旅馆)的意思,例句:Guest should check out of their rooms by noon.客人必须在中午以前办理退房手续。
3. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 麻省理工学院
4. crack vt. 找到解决(难题等地)方法
to crack the enemy's code 破译敌人的密码
例句:After a year in this job I think I've got it cracked!干了一年以后,我觉得我已经知道怎样做好这项工作了。
5. Mount Everest 埃佛勒斯峰(喜马拉雅山峰之一,中国称珠穆朗玛峰)
例句:The height of the mountain(Mount Everest), which lies on the border between China and Nepal, has long been a subject of controversy.珠穆朗玛峰位于中国和尼泊尔边界,它的海拔高度历来是有争议的话题。
6. Jacobin Algorithm 雅克比算法
Algorithm 是算法,计算程序,规则系统,运算法则的意思。


Miller先生:Trager, Comma, Lori同学,你在讨论雅克比算法么?
Lori: 嗯,什么?

课后题目:学习完后,你知道怎样用"fire up" 这个词组吗?

  • instituten. 学会,学院,协会 vt. 创立,开始,制定
  • coden. 码,密码,法规,准则 vt. 把 ... 编码,制
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • conductn. 行为,举动,品行 v. 引导,指挥,管理 vt.
  • controversyn. (公开的)争论,争议
  • millern. 磨坊主,铣床(工)
  • comman. 逗号,停顿,间歇 n. 银纹多角蛱蝶
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • bordern. 边界,边境,边缘 vt. 与 ... 接壤,加边于
  • crackv. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑 n.