日期:2011-07-19 09:18



本文选自Two and a half men 《好汉两个半》,欢迎大家共同欣赏。

Judith: Alan, you can’t be serious. He’s immature, he drinks too much, he sleeps around, he’s completely irresponsible. Alan: Yeah, well, you should have thought of that before you threw me out.
Charlie: Yeah.
Judith: Alright. Alan, you’re obviously angry and trying to get even with me but I am not gonna take the bait. I will see you on Sunday.
Charlie: Bye-bye.

throw out: 扔掉(某物);解雇(某人)
get even with: 报复
bait: (钓鱼、狩猎用的)饵,诱饵


Judith: Alan,你不会是认真的吧。他既优质又酗酒,还到处拈花惹草,他根本没责任感。
Alan: 在你把我踢出门前我就该想到的。
Charlie: 对头。
Judith: 好吧,Alan,你嫌热按是气过头了。只是在和我抬杠,但是我也不会罢休的。我们周日见。
Charlie: 拜拜。

1. You always like wrangling with others. 你总是喜欢和比人抬杠。

2. Why are you often at odds with Jane? 你为什么总和Jane合不来呢?

3. Is it necessary that children should be home early in the evening? 孩子们晚上早点回家,有必要吗?

4. I’v come to pick a bone with you. 我来这儿和你评评理。

5. What do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

  • irresponsibleadj. 不负责任的,不可靠的,没有承担能力的
  • immatureadj. 不成熟的
  • baitn. 饵,引诱 vt. 嘲笑,纵犬攻击,以饵引诱,放饵