相约美剧 学生活口语第23期:时尚教主
日期:2011-08-01 09:32



本文选自Ugly Betty《丑女贝蒂》,欢迎大家学习交流。
Wilhelmina: I'm not gonna to go to that ridiculous party. I can't compete anymore with a bevy of 22-year-old gym bodies. I mean, you starve yourself, you pull yourself, you inject yourself, you think you're safe, but they keep coming to the door, younger and younger like a hail of bullets until down you go. Why is it such a crime to age in this business?
Christina: It's true.
Wilhelmina: The standards for women are so punitive. And whose fault is that? I set the standards. Life time achievement award. Oh, there's my achievement. It bit me in the ass and the hips. Serves me right, huh? That's what you're thinking. Just say it.
Christina: Well, no, uh, w-what I was thinking was that yes, you do set the standards. You're Wilhelmina Slater for Pete's sake.
a bevy of 一组,一群
例句:There came a bevy of youths and maidens. 那边来了一群男女青年。
punitive adj. 令人受苦的,严厉的
例句:And finally our government must change it punitive attitude towards both big and little business. 最后,政府必须改变对大小事务一律惩罚的态度。
for Pete's sake (俚语)老天啊 for sb's sake在美式英语中经常使用这样的表达方式,翻译起来要结合上下文的意思。
例句:For Pete's sake,I wish one day you would clean up after yourself. 看在上帝的份上,我相信有一天你能处理好自己的事情。

Wilhelmina: 我不去那个可笑的舞会了,我再也不能和一群22岁健美身材的女人争芳斗艳了,我是说节了食,拉了皮,打了针,就以为自己安全了,但他们还是接踵而至,越来越年轻,就像枪林弹雨,你不倒下她们就不罢休,为什么在这一行里,老就是一种罪过呢?
Christina: 说得对。
Wilhelmina: 对女人的标准就是这么严厉。这又是谁的错呢?这些标准就是我定的,终生成就奖。这就是我的成就,大屁股,粗大腿,罪有应得,是吧?你就是这么想的。直说吧。
Christina: 哦,不,我是在想,没错,是你定下了标准,你可是堂堂的Wilhelmina Slater 。

1. I'm not going to that ridiculous party. 我不想去那个可笑的晚会了。

2. In what ways can people improve their appearances? 人们通过哪些方式改变面貌?

3. I want to be slim and beautiful, but I'm fat. 我想更苗条更漂亮,但是我现在很胖。

4. I've always been jealous of her skin color in the summer. 夏天的时候我很嫉妒她的皮肤颜色。

5. She's having some cosmetic surgery. 她正在做一些整容手术。

  • achievementn. 成就,成绩,完成,达到
  • faultn. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层 vt.
  • starvevi. 挨饿,受饿,(将要)饿死 vt. 使挨饿,使饿死
  • competevi. 竞争,对抗,比赛
  • surgeryn. 外科,外科手术,诊所
  • ridiculousadj. 荒谬的,可笑的
  • injectv. 注射