本对话选自Desperate Housewives《绝望的主妇》。Susan手绘了一张情人节卡片赠送Mike,对话中Susan自己对这张卡进行了很高的评价。
Susan: Ooh. Valentine's Day card. It's pretty. And meticulously hand painted. Whoever sent you that must really love you. And be loaded with talent.
Mike: It's beautiful. Thanks.
Susan: So we are still on for tomorrow night?
Mike: Oh, Not only are we on, I got reservation at Le Petit Fleur.
Susan: Ooh. That place is so pretentious. I've been dying to go there.
1. Meticulously adv. 一丝不苟地,整洁地,非常注意整洁地
形容词形式是meticulous,极谨慎的,非常注意细节的,一丝不苟的,meticulous drawings 极细致的图画,工笔画。 例句:He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.他总是很仔细地把唱片更新。
2. pretentious adj. 狂妄的,自命不凡的,自我标榜的
例句:One of these pretentious films that claim to be "art". 那些以“艺术品”自诩的狂妄影片之一。
3. be loaded with 充满
be loaded是有很多钱的意思,在这里Susan自我夸奖说自己才华横溢。
4. be dying for/to (非正式)极想,渴望
I'm dying for a cigarette.我真想抽只烟。例句:We're all dying to hear what happened.我们都渴望听听发生了什么事情。
Susan: 哦,情人节卡,好漂亮。而且很细致的手绘。不论谁送你这张卡,都一定非常爱你。
Mike: 非常美。谢谢。
Susan: 那么我们明晚的约会还照常吗?
Mike: 哦,不止这样,我还在Le petit Fleur 酒店预定了位子。
Susan: 哦,那里太高档了,我做梦都想去那里 。