日期:2011-12-12 14:08


A: I need to buy some flowers for my wife. 我需要给我的妻子买些花。

B: Perhaps you'd be interested in red roses. 也许你会对红玫瑰感兴趣。

A: What would the roses cost me? 玫瑰花怎么卖的?

B: They're only $20 a dozen. 一打只要20美元。

A: I like the sound of that. 这个价钱还不错。

B: Yes, that is today's sale price. 是的,这是今天的折扣后的价。

A: A dozen will be fine. 一打就可以了。

B: Is there anything else you'd like to get? 还需要点什么其它的吗?

A: No, thank you. 不用了,谢谢。

B: These roses should make your wife very happy.相信你的妻子一定会喜欢这些玫瑰花的。
