日期:2011-08-03 10:18


A: I need a little help about where to dump my trash bags.
B: Put them in the parking lot dumpster near the parking spaces.
A: When is trash day?
B: Trash day is Wednesday.
A: Do they sort our recyclables, or do we do it?
B: They expect us to take out our recyclables.
A: Do we put our recyclables in a separate bin?
B: Just take all of your recyclables to the blue bin downstairs.
A: Is there a special bin for yard waste?
B: All material to be composted goes into the bin with the green lid.

  • binn. 箱柜,[计] DOS文件名, 二进制目标文件 vt
  • lidn. 盖,眼睑 vt. 给 ... 装盖子 n.
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v