相约美剧 学生活口语第39期:旅行趣事
日期:2011-08-23 13:03



Monica: They're kissing, let's just go around them.
Chandler: Oh, honey, leave them alone, they're in love.
Monica: I'm in love, too. But in an orderly fashion.
Ticket Agent: Next?
Monica: Hi! Can you do that and walk? Because she said, "Next".
Woman: Sorry. We didn't hear you; we're on our honeymoon.
Ticket Agent: Oh, let me see what I can do. There are some first class seats available.

1. Go around 绕过(四处走动)
例句:Let's go around the town, not through it. 我们绕过这个城镇吧,不要穿过去。
2. In an orderly fashion 有条不紊地
例句:The children lined up in an orderly fashion. 孩子们整整齐齐地排好队。
3. Available adj. (口语表达) 可用的
例句:Are you available? 你有空吗?
Is there water available around here? 附近弄得到水吗?

Chandler: 哦,亲爱的,别管他们了。他们相爱了。
Monica: 我也恋爱了!不过还是很井然有序。
Ticket Agent: 下一个。
Monica: 嗨,你能走开吗?她说了“下一个”。
Woman: 对不起,我们没有听到,我们在蜜月旅行。
Ticket Agent: 哦,让我看看我能做些什么。头等舱还有一些座位。
1. The Great wall winds its way like a giant serpent. 长城蜿蜒像条巨蟒。

2. It's wonderful, sitting by the lake side angling. 坐在湖边垂钓真是好极了。

3. This is my first time for the self-drive travel. 这是我第一次自驾游。

4. Are we in wonderland? 我们是不是到了仙境?

5. There is a bar on an upper level of this building. 这栋楼的顶层有个酒吧。

  • orderlyadj. 有秩序的,整齐的,一丝不苟的,和平的 adv.
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的