相约美剧 学生活口语第32期:看房子
日期:2011-08-12 12:57



Monica: So? What do you think of the house?
Chandler: It's perfect. It's everything we've been looking for.
Monica: Isn't it? Then what about the amazing wainscoting and the crown molding and the dormer windows in the attic?
Chandler: And the wiggle worms and the zip zaps? What were the things you said?
Monica: Don't you love the huge yard?
Chandler: And the fireplace in the bedroom.
Monica: And Nancy said that it's really under price, because the guy lost his job and has to move in with his parents.

Wainscoting n. 涂层,护墙板
例句:Smokey-grey painted walls and contrasting crisp white wainscoting and window molding give modern edge to this traditional foyer space. 烟灰色的墙壁,雪白的护墙板和窗框,强烈的对比让这个门厅看上去很是时尚。
Crown molding 冠形屋顶,装饰条
Dormer window 屋顶窗子,夏窗,老虎窗
Under price 降价,赔本
例句:It was sold under cost price. 那个东西赔本卖掉了。

Monica: 那么,你认为那房子怎么样?
Chandler: 简直太棒了,那就是我们一直以来要找的。
Monica: 就是呀。还有那些漂亮的涂层,冠形屋顶和阁楼上的屋顶窗子怎么样?
Chandler: 还有那些蠕虫和爬虫。你刚刚在说什么?
Monica: 你喜欢那个大院子吗?
Chandler: 还有卧室里的壁炉。
Monica: Nancy还说这个价钱非常优惠,因为那个家伙丢了工作不得不搬去跟父母住,所以急于出手。

1. Should we rent or buy a house? 我们该租房子还是买房?

2. Can you tell me how I can find a house as soon as possible? 你能告诉我怎样才能尽快找到房子吗?

3. I'm calling about the ad for the two-room apartment. 我想问一下广告上的那套两卧公寓。

4. I'd like to ask about the apartment you advertised in the paper. 我想打听一下你在报纸上登广告的那套公寓。

5. The apartment is still available. 公寓现在还可以租。

  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • moldingn. 铸造;装饰用的嵌线;模塑
  • atticn. 阁楼
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • foyern. 门厅,休息室