日期:2011-12-19 14:09


A: Pardon me. I need an old music box. 不好意思,我想要一个老式的音乐盒。

B: Exactly how old a box do you want? 你想要一个多老的呢?

A: Actually, I was thinking about something from the 1920s. 确切地说,我想要一个20世纪20年代的。

B: We still have six left. 我们还有6个。

A: Do any of the boxes have dancing figures? 这些盒子中有正在舞蹈的图案的吗?

B: Dancing figures are quite popular. Two of the boxes have them. 有舞蹈图案的很受欢迎,还有两个。

A: I love the dancing figures. I'll take this music box. 我喜欢这个舞蹈图案的。我买这个。

B: Yes, I think you'll be very satisfied with that one. 是的,我想你对这个会很满意的。

A: I was wondering, does this come with any kind of warranty? 我想知道,这个音乐盒有保质期吗?

B: No. But if something goes wrong with it, I know someone who repairs these things. 不,如果这个音乐盒哪里坏了,我知道个会修理的人。

A: I was just hoping. 我只是希望能有。

B: It's amazing that these things still work as well as they do. 那么久过去了,音乐盒还能像从前一样工作,我觉得很了不起。

  • pardonn. 原谅,赦免 vt. 宽恕,原谅
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的