日期:2011-07-11 08:32



本文选自Ugly Betty 《丑女贝蒂》,欢迎大家共同欣赏。
Bradford: Daniel, I want to talk to you.
Daniel: Great, another scotch lecture.
Bradford: I’ve been thinking about your brother.
Daniel: So this where you tell me what a disappointment I’ve been, right? How I’ll never fill Alex’s shoes?
Bradford: Alex died two years ago. This is about you. You’ve really proven yourself these past few months. One day, Meade Publication is going to be in your hands.
Daniel: Right, Dad. Whatever you say.
Bradford: I mean it. Tomorrow, after the show, I plan on announcing my intentions to the press.
Daniel: Thank you.
Bradford: I’m proud of you, son.

1. fill one’s shoes 很好地顶替;令人满意地替代
2. be in your hands 在你手中,由你掌握,由你处理
3. I mean it. 我是认真的,我是说真的。


Bradford: Daniel, 我要和你谈谈。
Daniel: 好极了,又是一番打击人的说教。
Bradford: 我一直在想你的哥哥。
Daniel: 是啊,是要以此来告诉我,我是多么令人失望,对吗?我怎么永远都无法替代Alex?
Bradford: Alex去世两年了。这次是关于你的。过去的几个月里你已经证明了自己的能力。Daniel,总有一天,Meade出版集团要交到你的手里。
Daniel: 是啊,爸爸。随你怎么说。
Bradford: 我是认真的。明天发布会结束后,我会向媒体公布我的决定。
Daniel: 谢谢。
Bradford: 我为你感到自豪,儿子。

1. I admire your courage. 我很佩服你的勇气。

2. I wish I had your ability. 我真希望我会拥有你的能力。

3. I think you deserve the highest praise. 我认为你得到最高的赞赏名副其实。

4. You have a good taste. 你的品位不错。

5. I never knew you had such a lovely voice. 我从不知道你有这么好的嗓子。

  • deservevi. 应该得到 vt. 应受,值得
  • scotchn. 伤口,刻痕 v. 粉碎,消灭,阻止 v. 弄伤,刻
  • disappointmentn. 失望,令人失望的人或事