相约美剧 学生活口语第67期:询问情况
日期:2011-10-11 12:46


本对话选自Two and a half men《好汉两个半》。Jake询问叔叔Charlie,他的父母在干什么,Charlie告诉他,他的父母在为谁在哪一天能够得到他而争论。

Jake: What are they arguing about now?
Charlie: It's actually kind of ironic. They're arguing about who gets you on what days.
Jake: That is ironic.
Charlie: You know what's ironic means?
Jake: No, but I trust you.
Charlie: What's ironic is while they're arguing about who gets you, I get you. And you know what? It's not such a big deal.
Jake: Ha Ha .
Charlie: No offence, but let's face it, you're 10. I can't take you to Vegas, we can't double bate. And when was the last time you picked up a cheque, you mooch?
Jake: I'm almost 11.


1. ironic adj. 讽刺的;具有讽刺意味的
例句:How ironic that he should have been invited to play for the England team on the very day that he broke his leg. 他正好在跌断腿的那一天收到了要他为英格兰队踢球,这真具讽刺意味。
2. offence n. 伤害感情的因素
例如:to give/ cause offence to someone 得罪某人
例句:I hope you won’t take offence if I ask you not to smoke. 如果我叫你不要抽烟,希望你不要见怪。
3. pick up 在这里准备支付
例如:The football club should pick up the bill for the damage, since their fans are responsible for it. 足球俱乐部应当负责赔偿损失,因为他们的球迷对此有责任。


Charlie: 事实上有些讽刺。他们在争你的时候该跟谁。
Jake: 那可真讽刺。
Charlie: 你知道“讽刺”的意思吗?
Jake: 不知道。但我相信你。
Charlie: 讽刺的是他们争夺你的时候,你却是我的。你知道吗? 这并不重要。
Jake: 哈哈。
Charlie: 我无意冒犯,但面对现实吧,你才10岁,我不能带你去拉斯维加斯,也不能四人约会,而且你什么时候有过钱啊,小笨蛋?
Jake: 我快11岁了。

