日期:2011-07-20 09:17



本文选自Kyle XY 《神奇凯尔》,欢迎大家共同欣赏。
Declan: Trager!
Lori: Hey.
Declan: What are you doing here?
Hillary: Yes, what are you?
Lori: Brought Kyle to practice.
Declan: Kyle? What for?
Lori: Charlie wants him on the team.
Declan: What the hell is he thinking?
Lori: So, are we doing the ignoring thing now or just, shooting nasty looks? I just want to be clear.
Hillary: Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t waste my time worrying about you.
Lori: You don’t waste any time at all, do you?
Hillary: You and Declan crashed and burned. He’s fair game.
Lori: Oh, yeah? I’m so sure you’re concerned with the fairness of it all.
Hillary: I see what I want and I go to get it. I don’t hold out my whole life and finally go through with it, and completely mess up.


Declan: Trager!
Lori: 嘿。
Declan: 你在这干吗?
Hillary: 是啊,干吗啊你?
Lori: 带Kyle来训练。
Declan: Kyle? 为什么?
Lori: Charlie想让他入队。
Declan: 他在搞什么鬼?
Lori: 那么我们现在互不理睬还是恶毒相对?我希望弄清楚。
Hillary: 别臭美了。我才不浪费时间担心你呢。
Lori: 你一点时间都不浪费,是吧?
Hillary: Declan和你已经完了。他可是自由身啦。
Lori: 哦,是吗?我就知道你会说“公平”这种话。
Hillary: 我知道我想要什么,而且努力争取。我不会一直等待然后最终又动心了,然后把事情搞砸。

1. It’s you who spread the rumor, isn’t it? 是你散播谣言,对吧?

2. Are you trying to make a fool of me? 你把我当成傻瓜吗?

3. I think you’ve gone much too far. 我看你太过分了。

4. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

5. Cut it out! I’ve had enough of that. 住口,我受够了。

  • concernedadj. 担忧的,关心的
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • fairnessn. 公平,公正
  • flatterv. 阿谀奉承,取悦,炫耀 n. 平整工具
  • rumorn. 谣言,传闻 vt. 谣传