日期:2011-08-03 13:15


The English We Speak是英国BBC电台的一档为英语学习者量身打造的英语学习节目。


William: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak. My name is William Kremer.

Helen: And I'm Helen.

William: I've got something for you, Helen.

Burst of loud classical music (Beethoven's '5th Symphony')

Helen: It's nice to have a bit of music William, but why...

Burst of different classical music (Mendelssohn's 'Dance of the Clowns')

William: What do you think... nice music, huh?

Helen: Well, it's certainly dramatic! So are we having a special musical edition today, William?

William: Well, yes we are Helen. The BBC Proms start this Friday, remember?

Helen: Ah, of course. The BBC Proms is a huge classical music festival that the BBC sponsors. It's over 100 years old.

William: Yes and every day for the next two months hundreds of music fans will queue to get their hands on a £5 ticket.

Helen: Wow. Are you going to go?

William: No, I hate queuing! But anyway, I thought we could have a music-themed programme. And our phrase this week relates to one instrument in particular...

Trumpet music solo

Helen: The trumpet?

William: Yes, do you know what it means to say someone 'blows his own trumpet'?

Helen: Yes. It means that someone is talking too much about his achievements, right?

William: Exactly. Let's listen to an example.


Woman: Who's going to be there tonight?

Man: I think Angela and Mark and that guy Martin...

Woman: Oh, no, not Martin! He's such a bore. He's always blowing his own trumpet. Last time I saw him he went on and on about how he had been promoted twice in six weeks.

Helen: So this is quite a negative phrase then?

William: Yes, sometimes. But interestingly, it isn't always used in a negative way. Listen to this example. A woman is talking to her niece.


Woman: I didn't know you'd come top in the class again! Why didn't you tell me? You really must start blowing your own trumpet a bit more!

Helen: So in that clip, the woman was telling her niece she ought to blow her own trumpet more?

William: Yes. And English people sometimes use this phrase because they are embarrassed to talk about their achievements. Listen to this clip:


Man: How's it going at your work nowadays?

Woman: Well, at the risk of blowing my own trumpet, it's going very well. In fact, I've just won an award!

Helen: She said "At the risk of blowing my own trumpet".

William: Yeah, so that's like saying "Excuse me while I talk about my achievements"!

Helen: Well, I wonder whether we should blow our own trumpet a bit more. I mean here we are with a really popular website, bbclearningenglish.com...

William: ...yeah, making lots of little programmes that are entertaining, fascinating, useful...

Helen: …and best of all, it's all free! Brilliant, huh?

William: Yeah, that's brilliant! But maybe we should stop blowing our own trumpet now! Shall we have some more of that nice music again to finish off?

Helen: Oh, yes! Bye!

William: Bye!


此期节目,两位主持人讨论了习语“blow one’s own trumpet” 的含义和用法。

Trumpet本意“小号”,“blow one's own trumpet”本意为“总是自己吹自己的小号”,也就引申为:“总是吹嘘自己的成就”的意思,多数情况下,如果被别人这样评价,都带有一定贬义,如文中例1.

但是,这个习语也有别的用法,如例2,当被别人当面用:“You really must start blowing your own trumpet a bit more!”评价的时候,则意味着你过分谦虚了,完全可以多说一些自己的成就,好让别人更好地了解你。

例3中所用的习语是“at the risk of blowing my own trumpet”,这是谦词,常用在自己需要介绍自己的成就之前,可以翻译成“请允许我说一下自己所取得的成绩”,用上这句话之后,风度马上显现了出来。



It's certainly dramatic! 那一定棒极了! dramatic:令人激动的;戏剧性的。
queue to: 涌入 queue:排队
He's such a bore.: 他讨厌极了。/他是个令人讨厌的人。

  • trumpetn. 喇叭,喇叭声,喇叭手 vt. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘 v
  • fascinatingadj. 迷人的
  • entertainingadj. 引起乐趣的,娱乐性的,令人愉快的 n. 招待,
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • burstn. 破裂,阵,爆发 v. 爆裂,迸发
  • instrumentn. 乐器,工具,仪器,器械
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • borevt. 使厌烦 n. 讨厌的人,麻烦事 v. 钻孔,开凿
  • clipn. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹 n. 修剪,(羊毛的)剪下
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目