相约美剧 学生活口语第38期:橄榄球友谊赛
日期:2011-08-22 10:22



Ross: OK, I know what I've got to do. I've got to go Red Ross. You know, Red Ross?
Joey: I totally don't know what you're talking about.
Ross: Come on! The time we were all waiting in line for Dancers With Wolves and that one guy cut in line in front of us and I just lost it.
Joey: No.
Ross: You'll see.
Emily: Liam, do me a favor. Tell the lads to go easy on Ross. It's his first time.
Liam: You don't say!
Emily: Good luck, babe.
Liam: Ross! Ross! Come on! Get in here! Ross! Come on!
Liam: Ross, come on! Get in the bloody scrum! Ross, get in!
All: Oh...

1. Cut in line 插队,加塞
例如:It's rude to cut in line. Everyone should wait their turn. 插队是不礼貌的行为。每个人都应该排队等候。
2. Go easy on 温和对待;节约使用;有节制地消费
例如:The judge decided to go easy on the youth because it was his first offence. 该法官决定宽大处理这个年轻人,因为他初次犯罪。


Ross: 好了,我知道应该这么做。我要变成“红脸罗斯”。不记得“红脸罗斯”了?
Joey: 我完全不明白你在讲什么。
Ross: 拜托!你还记得那次我们排队买《与狼共舞》的电影票的时候吗?有个人插在我们前面,我生气了,冲他大嚷,脸都变红了。“红脸罗斯”啊!
Joey: 不记得了。
Ross: 你马上就会看到了。
Emily: Liam, 帮个忙,告诉伙计们对Ross温和一些,他第一次玩这个。
Liam: 不会吧。
Emily: 祝你好运,亲爱的。
Liam: Ross! Ross! 快来! 到这儿来! Ross! 快来啊!
Liam: Ross, 挤到人堆里来!快进来!
All: 噢......

1. What position do you play? 你踢什么位置?

2. That was a good game we played. 那场比赛我们打得不错。

3. We're in the middle of the game. 我们正在比赛。

4. I can't believe i dropped the pass. 我不敢相信我自己居然没接住传过来的球。

5. I think he was out of bounds. 我想他出界了。
