相约美剧,学生活口语第3期:Ask questions刨根问底
日期:2011-06-29 10:21



本文选自Kyle XY《神奇凯尔》,欢迎大家来此做客。
Declan: I hear you're anti-birthday.
Lori: Word travels fast.
Declan: My last birthday, my dad couldn't be bothered to be in town. So I raided the liquor cabinet in protest. At least you got blueberry pancakes.
Lori: Your favorite.
Declan: Parents like me. What can I say? Seriously, what's your deal?
Lori: I'm just feeling particularly friendless right now. Makes celebrating another year of life sort of bleak.
Declan: I'm your friend. Kind of, I think.
Lori: Yeah, after you duped me into losing my virginity.
Declan: I didn't dupe you ...
Lori: Pease-water, bridge. So what really happened to your head? Seems like whoever asks gets a different story.
Declan: I told you, I feel.
Lori: Before and after you fight with your day?
Declan: Can we drop this, please?
Lori: You know, my mom's a therapist. I mean, you could …
Declan: Trager, it's no big deal, seriously. No scandalous family drama, no horrible tales of abuse. Let it go. I'm fine.

bleak adj. 无望的,令人沮丧的,荒凉的,索然无味的
dupe sb. Into doing sth. 诈骗,哄骗,欺骗
scandalous adj. 讲述丑闻的,可耻的,不可原谅的
Let it go. 不再多说,就到此为止。


Declan: 听说你不喜欢过生日。
Lori: 消息传得真快。
Declan: 我上个生日时,我爸爸都不在镇上,所以我就拿酒柜出气作为抗议,至少你还有蓝莓馅饼。
Lori: 你的最爱。
Declan: 父母都喜欢我,我还能说什么呢?说真的,你怎么了?
Lori: 我就是觉得没有朋友了,所以庆祝生日比较惨淡。
Declan: 我是你的朋友,某种意义上说,我觉得。
Lori: 在你骗了我之后。
Declan: 我没有骗你……
Lori: 算了,已经过去了,你的头到底怎么回事?好像每次你回答得都不一样。
Declan: 我告诉你了,我跌倒了。
Lori: 在你和爸爸吵架前还是吵架后?
Declan: 我们能不能不说这个?
Lori: 你知道,我妈妈是心理治疗师,我是说,你可以……
Declan: Trager, 没什么大不了的,真的。不是你想的那种家庭丑闻,也没有虐待什么的。

1. What's going on here? 这里发生了什么?

2. Could you tell me something about it? 你能告诉我这方面的相关情况吗?

3. Could you tell me some more about it? 你能再告诉我一些这方面的情况吗?

4. I should be interested to know the fact. 我想知道事实。

5. I'd like to insist on getting to the bottom of the matter. 我就喜欢打破砂锅问到底。

  • bleakadj. 萧瑟的,严寒的,阴郁的
  • protestn. 抗议,反对,声明 v. 抗议,反对,申明
  • abusen. 滥用,恶习 vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待
  • therapistn. 临床医学家
  • cabinetn. 橱柜,内阁 adj. 私人的
  • dupen. 受骗的人,上当者 vt. 欺骗,愚弄