骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第362期:关于克雷蒂安的讨论(25)
日期:2018-05-23 07:25



and part of the point that Chretien is making in here that these people are both perfect and they are perfect for each other
这儿克雷蒂安想说明的一点是 这两个人都很完美 他们真的是天生一对
The more he gazes the more she pleases him, he cannot help kissing her
越看越美 越想吻她
He delights in drawing close and keeping his eyes fixed on her
他喜欢靠近她 深情地看着她
His gaze lingers over her fair hair, her laughing eyes and her pure brow
What's a pure brow
Her nose which we know is fine
Face, and mouth and he was touched to the heart by a great tenderness
脸蛋 嘴 埃里克的心都被融化了
How sweet
He gazes at everything down to her hips,
Yeah, I got it, the chin and the white throat
哇塞 我懂 下巴还有雪白的脖子
Wait a minute, the waist and sides
等等 腰和侧面


I always look at sides, I mean sides are way high, damn here
我总是看侧面 我觉得侧面超级 真是的
I mean she has the best sides if anybody have ever seen
我的意思是 她有着见所未见的最美的侧面
I mean her sides are fantastic, sides, arms and hands
我的意思是她的侧面美得不可思议 侧面 胳膊还有手
This is gonna be on TV, I'd better shut up
这会播出来的 我最好闭嘴
I'm gonna get in trouble
But no less intent than the knight, the maiden sees the equal-opportunity stuff
但少女看到的不比骑士少 她早就看到了相同的东西
The maiden buys and gazes at him with fond eyes and true heart which we should know,
for no reward when they have stopped looking at each other
他们停止相互凝视的时候 她并无所求
They were a perfect match
In cordialness, beauty, and great nobility of characters
亲切 美丽 高贵的个性简直是天作之合
Admirably suited for each other, so that's the point,they are equals
they are bona fide equals in all of them every way
确实 每一处都那么般配


