骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第132期:书评(16)
日期:2016-05-18 18:28




We're over on page 194 We had just gotten done
翻到194页 这部分我们刚刚学习过
We had Wart saying clearly what we all knew
我们已经学习了并搞清楚了Wart 所说的内容
and we beat it up that he much preferred the geese to the ant
And now finally we get rid of Uther
You know, Arthur has had all this education and so we're gonna have an opportunity for Arthur
你们知道的 亚瑟接受过教育 因此我们将有机会让亚瑟
to do what we've been waiting for the whole book:
the pull of the sword from the stone King Pellinore has some uses
将剑从石头里拔出来 国王Pellinore 做了些实事
He does report that Uther is dead
And the curious thing and again, how are we tying this together,
奇怪的是 我们是如何再次的把这联系起来的
On the middle of page 195, is that Uther the Conqueror
在第195页的中间 写到征服者尤瑟
so he's not referred to as Uther Pendragon but Uther the Conqueror
因此这儿不是指尤瑟王 而是指征服者尤瑟
So obviously we're supposed to be tying them together here with William the Conqueror
因此很明显我们想当然的将他们 和征服者威廉联系起来了
Even by the dates, ruled for a long time
He's a tough old guy Ruled from 1066 to 1216
他是一个顽固的老家伙 从1066 年到1216年 一直都处于被统治状态
At least under old math, that's a long time
至少根据古老的数学来计算 那是一段很漫长的日子
He has no heirs, no heirs that people know of
他没有继承人 没有人们知晓的继承人
Of course, Arthur is going to be an heir,
当然 亚瑟即将成为继承人
but people evidently don't really know Arthur exists
And Pullmer has more news Pullmer
And generally the legend is that there is a sword in the stone, left there,
but it says clearly in White's version that it appeared
但是 在白人流传的版本里石头里面真的有一把剑
And so Merlyn has caused this to happen
When we see the movie Excalibur, in Excalibur just before Uther is killed, he rams the sword into a stone
当我们在看电影《神剑》时 在《神剑》中尤瑟临死前 将一把剑插入了一块石头中
because he doesn't want anybody else to have it
And so magically and then this gets altogether with this kind of life and earth and Mother Earth symbolism
神奇的是 随后这与这种生活 这个地球以及地球的象征联系起来
of that returning to the core of existence
Anyway, a sword has appeared
不管怎样 剑确实出现了
About two-thirds of the way down on 196, there's appeared a sword in the stone in sort of a church,
在第196页的三分之二处写道 确实出现了一把剑 插在在某种形式的教堂的一块石头里
whatever that is a sort of a church
不管它具体是哪种 就是某种形式的教堂
And explains there's an anvil with the sword through
and the sword is all the way through the anvil into the stone
He says clearly, on the bottom of 196,
"The sword," said King Pellinore
国王Pellinore 说到"那剑"
who's always a little confused, so we expect it to take a page Pellinore for him to get this straight,
国王总是感到有些迷惑 因此我们希望能用一页 让他可以说清楚
"is stuck through an anvil which stands on a stone
"剑刺穿了铁砧 铁砧立在石头上
It goes right through the anvil and into the stone
剑刺穿铁砧 插在石头上
The anvil is stuck to the stone and stands outside a church "
铁砧被粘到石头上 并显露在教堂外"
And he takes another page to explain that
there's stuff written on the sword in gold one of our good colors,
剑上有用金色写的铭文 金色是我们好的色彩当中的一种
of course, in folk material
当然 写的东西是关于民俗的
And what does it say, about 20 lines from the bottom of 197,
从197 页的底部起 用大约20行的篇幅讲述
"Whoso Pulleth Out This Sword of this Stone and Anvil,
is Right-wise King Born of All England "
It's even hard to read



