骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第345期:关于克雷蒂安的讨论(8)
日期:2018-04-16 07:55


I pointed out before that this does have all a good bibliography, in the beginning a lot of basic works like the Arthurian encyclopedia which we do have,
我之前说过 首页有个很好的目录索引 有很多像亚瑟王百科全书一类的参考文献
they mentioned Geoffrey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain which were mentioned in the documentaries we saw
都提及了蒙茅斯的杰弗里 我们文献中提到的《英国帝王史》
As you gonna leave through here
you will see a lot of material, another work by Owen, for example, over at the end, The Evolution of the Grail Legend, which is kind of interesting
你们会看到很多材料 例如 另一部欧文的作品 在最后 《圣杯传奇的进化》这本书还蛮有意思
I don't know too how much you figure out this book but over on page 497 and 98 in the back
不知道你们找出来多少这本书的内容 就在第497页还有后面倒数第98页
There's a glossary of technical and archaic terms
So it's a good place to put a paper clip


They come across things not everything's there
这儿解释了一些事 但不是所有的事
for example maybe you all knew what the word scourge was today
例如 你们可能都知道scourge这个词现在的意思
But if you did not look it up somebody asked me
We've used to heard or heard it used more as a noun, you know, the Scourge of the West,
我们习惯性地认为它是一个名词 你们懂的 西方的祸害
which means kind of the evil character
But actually if you look it up, the first meaning of the scourge is a whip
但如果你查字典的话 scourge第一个意思是鞭子
and so when the dwarf was beating Erec with a scourge
It's basically sounds like a whip that you know lots have been tied in or something which is slicing them up
听起来就像鞭子抽打的声音 就像很多东西捆在一起 或者像一个整体被切成薄片
So the terms there, and then there's notes in the back in each of these words starting right after that on page 499
这儿的术语 还有每个词的书后注解 都直接从499页开始
And whenever they have an asterisk in the text that means there's a note on that
一旦文中出现星号 就表示此处有注解
And to be quite frank that's not how I read them
坦白说 这不是我读书的方式
What I tend to do is say okay I'm gonna read to let's see
我倾向的方式是说 嗯 我要开始读了
so I'm supposed to read this page 30 today, that's line 2000
我看看 我今天准备读30页 也就是2000行
I go back to read all the notes
And so I know the additional information they're giving me and then go read the text
这样我就知道他们给我传达的额外信息 然后再读文章
It's easier than reading it back and forth or you can do it both ways,
这样比来来回回地看要轻松很多 或者你们可以同时采用两种方式
you can read them ahead of time, and then read the text, and then go back and read the notes again
先看注释 再看文章 再回过头看注释
But the notes give you some insight
And I tell you, they give me some insight
真的 同样也给我启发
That's a good question, you know, that's a really good comment
这是个好问题 这个评论确实不错
And so they're definitely worth reading



  • archaicadj. 已不通用的,古老的,古代的
  • commentn. 注释,评论; 闲话 v. 注释,评论
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • additionaladj. 附加的,另外的
  • insightn. 洞察力
  • evolutionn. 进化,发展,演变
  • asteriskn. 星号(*)
  • legendn. 传说,传奇
  • encyclopedian. 百科全书
  • dwarfn. 矮子,侏儒 vt. 使矮小 vi. 变小