骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第146期:《灰姑娘》书评(4)
日期:2016-09-07 18:39



His new wife brought two daughters into the house
Their faces were beautiful in lily to white but their hearts were ugly and black
她们如百合般美丽但是内心却非常丑陋 邪恶
So as we talked the other day you know, a better message
在其他时候 只要我们说到 为了更好的表达
you know, in other words,instead of people being bad like in Disney because they're ugly,
要知道 换个话说 不像在迪斯尼故事里 坏人都很丑
here it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside
在这里 你的内心和外表无关


that's one premise I always hope people treat me on but, rather, what you're like on the inside
我总是希望人们能像那样对待我 但是 通常你们的做法都与之相反
That was the beginning of a bad time for the poor stepchild
"Why should this silly goose sit in the parlor with us," they said"
"People who want to eat bread must earn it"
谁想吃上面包 就得自己去挣
Go into the kitchen where you belong"
They took away her fine clothes and gave her an old gray dress and wooden shoes to wear
他们脱去她漂亮的衣裳 给她换上灰色的旧外套和木鞋
"Look at the haughty princess in her finery," they cried, and, laughing, led her to the kitchen
"看看 这个高傲的公主穿得多华丽" 他们说笑着把她赶到厨房去了
From then on she had to do all the work:
Getting up before daybreak, carrying water, lighting fires,cooking and washing
每天天不亮就起来担水 生火 做饭 洗衣
In addition, the sisters did everything they could to plague her
而且 姐姐们还无所不用其极地折磨她
They jeered at her and poured peas and lentils into the ashes so that she had to sit there picking them out
她们戏弄她 把豌豆和扁豆倒到灰里 她不得不坐在那儿把它们捡起来
At night, when she was tired out with work, she had no bed to sleep in and had to lie in the ashes by the hearth
到了晚上 她累得筋疲力尽 连睡觉的床铺都没有 不得不睡在炉灶旁边的灰烬中
And thus they took to calling her Ashputtle because she always looked dusty and dirty
Now remember, like the point of almost everything for Arthur's education,
现在记住 这和亚瑟的教育非常相似
the point of these stories is usually deductive; they're supposed to teach you something
这些故事通常都有教育意义 他们通常会告诉你一些东西
And the basic moral of these things,we hope is the moral for Arthur, is what
而且所有故事的基本寓意 亚瑟的寓意 是什么
Goodness is rewarded and evil is punished
And how do we usually punish evil in lore, in folk material



