骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第322期:书评(10)
日期:2018-02-20 07:32


So they, they're gonna take off to confront Mordred
所以他们 他们要去质问莫德雷德
Now we're in Lancelot's castle,
现在 我们在兰斯洛特的城堡中
and of course, they notice
当然 他们注意到了
They disappeared overnight, and fear something must be badly wrong in England
他们一夜之间消失了 并且担心英格兰可能发生了什么严重的事情
And Lancelot has also gotten the message of what's going on in England
莫德雷德也得到了音讯 知道了在英格兰正在发生什么
And so, he re-relates it
所以 他重新讲了这个
I don't know if we have any other pertinent news here that's different, on the bottom of 624
我不确定在这我们是否有其他相关的不同消息 在624页下面
It says, "Most of news came by the messenger
It seems that Mordred has revolted against Arthur, proclaimed himself the Leader of England and proposed to Guinevere"
看起来莫德雷德已经反抗亚瑟了 宣称他自己是英格兰的国王 并已向桂尼维尔求婚
But she's already married, she's married already
但是 她已经结婚了 她已经嫁人了
That's why the siege is broken up


Then it appears Mordred raised an army in Kent to oppose the King's landing
He had given it out that Arthur was dead
He's besieging the Queen in the tower of London, and using cannons
在伦敦塔内 他用大炮围困住王后
On top 625, He met Arthur at Dover
625页的上面 莫德雷德在多佛见到了亚瑟
By the way, you know, one of the things, if you get a chance to travel,
随便说一下 你们知道 旅行非常好玩 如果你有一个旅行的机会
and traveling is great fun, it's great to travel around different places in the world
那就去世界不同的地方游行 这是多么得棒啊
But it always amazes me how many Americans go other places but they never see their own country
但令我吃惊的是 很多美国人去过其他很多地方 但他们未曾欣赏过他们自己的国家
And there's a lot of great stuff to see here
在这 有很多有趣的东西值得去看
But if you get to, if you get to the continent, especially if you have a rental car,
但是如果你去了大陆 特别是如果你有一辆租来的车
if you want to go to England, kind of a neat way to do it
如果你想去英国 一种简单的方法
if you drive to Calais, you can take a hovercraft across with your car
如果你开车去加来 你可以随车带上气垫船
You know, when you travel, you should try to do things you can't do on other places
你知道 当你去旅行的时候 你应该尝试去做你 在其它地方做不了的事情
You can take a big ship, too
But if you take the hovercraft, it's kind of a unique experience
但是如果你乘坐气垫船 那是一种不一样的经历
It's only flipped over once
And when you land, you land in Dover
当你着陆时 你登上多佛
And so, you do see the white cliffs coming up, and then you can drive
你确实可以看到正在靠近的白色悬崖 然后你就可以开车了
It's kind of fun to drive in England
It's kind of plays with your mind
I've driven in England twice,
once with a car that had the steering on the same side as ours and that's kind of weird
有一次开的车的方向盘竟然和我们的一样在左边 有点不可思议
What's really weird when you're driving on the Interstate,
当你在州际公路上开的时候 确实有点不可思议
and you know, you just you know, then it's just stopped making sense, because all of a sudden the car track the other way is going on the wrong side
你知道 你只知道你知道 接着事情就让你搞不懂了 因为突然旁边的车道跑到另一边去了 感觉很不对
You know, it's just like, this is weird
你知道 就像这样 很奇怪
But as you drive up from Dover to London, you go by Canterbury
但是当你开车从多佛到伦敦时 你会经过坎特伯雷
Canterbury is kind of a neat place, too
But anyway, take a hovercraft
但无论如何 带上一艘气垫船



  • messengern. 报信者,先驱
  • castlen. 城堡 v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易位
  • opposevt. 反对,反抗,使对立,使对抗
  • overnightn. 前晚 adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的 adv.
  • confrontvt. 面临,对抗,遭遇
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的
  • pertinentadj. 相关的,中肯的,切题的
  • trackn. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲 v. 跟踪,追踪