骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第91期:书本讨论(11)
日期:2016-02-04 17:23




'Mark my words,' cried the beautiful Balan


We shall have a regular king in that young candidate '"


So obviously true but also supposed to be prophetic

这是真的 但也被认为是预言的

Next morning in chapter 9, Kay wants to know where Wart's been

在第9章 第二天早上凯想知道沃特去哪儿了

Kay, even though he's 2 years older, he's bigger, he's stronger,

凯 他年长两岁 更大更强壮

he's jealous of Wart


He's jealous of the attention Wart gets from Merlin


Wart, the silly guy, he's just too sensitive

沃特这个傻孩子 他太敏感了

He'd be really popular


He's a sensitive guy and so he hurries off to Merlin to complain,

他是个敏感的人 因此跑到梅林那里去抱怨

"Why are you doing all this stuff for me?"


Merlin says, "Sometimes, life seems unfair "

梅林说 "生活有时候看上去是不公平的"

To illustrate this, he tells him the story of the rabbi

为了阐释这个说法 他给沃特讲了有关法师的故事

The point of the story of the rabbi is that we might think


things on the surface might appear to be unfair


but if you knew, you realize how fair they were

但如果你知道真相的话 你会发现他们很公平

This gets back, I think maybe, to the question I said wanted to ask


and I didn't have a clear answer, but certainly implied here

对于那个问题 我还没有确切的答案 但在此已有暗示

Who sent Merlin? Why does he have special magic or

梅林是谁派来的 他为什么会有特殊魔力

who gave him special magic to help Wart


When you read this story, if you remember on the bottom of page 88,

当你读到这个故事的时候 你如果还记得在88页下面

"'This rabbi,' said Merlin, 'went on a journey with the prophet Elijah

梅林说 "这个法师和预言家以利亚踏上了一段旅程"

They walked all day and at nightfall they came

"他们走了一整天 晚上的时候他们来到了"

to the humble cottage of a poor man, who's only treasure was a cow

"一个穷人的寒舍 这个穷人唯一的财产是一头牛"

'The poor man ran out of his cottage, and his wife ran too,

"这个穷人跑出房舍 他妻子也跑了出来"

to welcome the strangers for the night and to offer them

"迎接客人 晚上 他们在经济条件允许的范围内"

all the simple hospitality which they were able to give


in straitened circumstances


'Elijah and the rabbi were entertained with plenty of the cow's milk,


sustained by home-made bread and butter, and


they were put to sleep in the best bed

"房主为他们提供了最好的床 供他们休息"

while their kindly hosts lay down before the kitchen fire





  • sustainedadj. 持久的,经久不衰的
  • sensitiveadj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的
  • candidaten. 候选人,求职者
  • propheticadj. 预言的,预示的;先知的
  • complainvi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉
  • illustratev. 举例说明,(为书)作插图,图解
  • prophetn. 预言者,先知,提倡者
  • humbleadj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的 vt. 使 ... 卑
  • hospitalityn. 好客,殷勤,酒店管理
  • cown. 母牛,母兽 vt. 恐吓