骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第148期:《灰姑娘》书评(6)
日期:2016-09-12 10:08



After thanking him, she went to her mother's grave and planted the hazel sprig over it
谢过父亲之后 她来到了母亲的坟前将它栽到了坟边
She cried so hard that her tears fell on the spray and watered it
她伤心痛哭 眼泪流下来浇在树枝上
It grew and became a beautiful tree
Three times a day, okay, what numbers are important:
每天哭三次 这些数字很重要
3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 40
3 4 7 11 12 13 和 40
So three times a day, a good number,
一天三次 是个好数字


Ashputtle went and sat under it, and wept and prayed
Each time a little white bird came and perched on the tree
And when Ashputtle made a wish, the little bird threw down what she'd wished for
每次灰姑娘许愿 小鸟都把她想要的东西扔下来
Now, it so happened that the King arranged for a celebration
现在 该是国王举办庆祝会的时候了
It was to be for three days and all the beautiful girls in the kingdom were invited in order that his son might choose a bride
庆祝安排在3天以后 全国所有的漂亮女孩儿都受到了邀请 以便他的儿子选择新娘
When the two stepsisters heard they'd been asked, they were delighted
灰姑娘的两个姐姐也受到邀请 她们非常高兴
They called Ashputtle and said,"Comb our hair, brush our shoes, and fasten our buckles"
把灰姑娘叫来说道为我们梳好头发 擦亮鞋子 系好腰带
We're going to the wedding at the king's palace"
Ashputtle obeyed, but she wept for she, too,would have liked to go dancing
她服从了她们的要求 但是禁不住哭了 因为她自己也想去参加舞会
And she begged her stepmother to let her go
"You little slathen," said the stepmother,
她的继母说 "小灰姑娘
"how can you go to the wedding when you're all dusty and dirty
你脏兮兮的满身是土 怎么去参加舞会呀
How can you go dancing when you have neither a dress nor shoes"
你既没有裙子 又没有鞋子 怎么去参加舞会呀"
But when Ashputtle begged and begged,the stepmother finally said,
但是当灰姑娘苦苦哀求之后 继母终于说道
"Here I've dumped a bowlful of lentils in the ashes"
这里 我倒一碗扁豆到灰里
And if you can pick them out in two hours, you may go"
如果你能在两个小时以内把它们检出来 就可以去"
The girl went out the back door to the garden and cried out,
女孩儿从后门出去 跑到院子里喊道
"Oh, tame little doves, oh, turtle doves, and all the birds"under Heaven,
哦 可爱的小鸽子 斑鸠 以及天上的其他鸟儿飞过来吧
come and help me put the good ones in the potand the bad ones in your crop"
帮我把好扁豆都捡到罐子里 坏扁豆都给你们吃



