骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第321期:书评(9)
日期:2018-02-19 07:30


We have this ideal society which Arthur has wrought
And so now, we're gonna have another change
现在 我们将会有另一个改变
We're gonna have a change in Arthur's society to a society
我们在亚瑟的社会里 要得到的改变是来到了
represented by Mordred, dresses in black, wears a little pearl
这个社会以莫德雷德为代表 他穿着黑衣 戴个小珍珠
I'm always suspicious on guy wearing black and little pearl under their lapel
我总是怀疑穿黑衣 在衣领下佩戴小珍珠的家伙
Or no, little diamond, he has a diamond
或者 不 是小钻石 他有一颗钻石
Probably a big diamond
It seems that Mordred's been claiming himself King of England under this new order of his
看起来 莫德雷德在他统治的新秩序下 一直在宣称他自己是英格兰的国王
He has told all his Thrashers that we are dead, you see
and he's going to marry Guine
你们知道 他要和桂尼维尔结婚了


And the letter itself explaining this is from Guinevere,
and they're besieging her in the Tower of London, in Arizona, no, no, that's London Bridge
他们把她困在亚利桑那州 不 不 那是伦敦桥 困在伦敦塔里
And Mordred is now using guns
And so they keep mentioning every time
Its like later, Lancelot mentions the Boors, the Boors, that they're are using cannons
就像之后 兰斯洛特提到 乡巴佬们 乡巴佬们 他们用的是大炮
He says, "cannons!?"
Obviously this is a symbolic of the end of knighthood too
显然 这也是骑士最后的结局的一个象征
Because once you have guns, once you have cannons
因为一旦你拥有枪支 一旦你拥有大炮
obviously you armour aren't doing you much good
显然 你装甲没有让你做得很好
So one more illustration of the end of times as they were
They even say that clearly, lest you miss the point about 60 percent of the way down on 621,
以免你们看漏 注意看621页上大概页面下方60%的地方 他们甚至清楚地讲
"now that the guns have come," said Arthur, "the Table is over."
"现在那些枪炮回来了" 亚瑟说"圆桌骑士结束了"
And it's not only split then, it's over and they must hurry home
那时它不仅仅分裂了 它结束了 他们必须回家
The key here is too, that this is the end of feudalism
这里的关键是 封建制度结束了
And we talked right at the beginning of the class that feudalism, the feudal structure which is based on Fealty, nice word for fidelity
在上课的一开始我们谈到了封建主义 以忠诚为基本的封建结构 尽责的漂亮词汇
Fealty is what you owe to your lord in the feudal hierarchy
在封建等级制度内 尽责是你欠主人的
So faithfulness, fidelity, is broken
所以没有了忠诚 尽责
And of course if that's broken, then the feudal system is broken
当然如果他们没有了 那么封建制度就毁灭了
and chivalry, the knightly code, is based upon this culture,
建立在这文化上的骑士精神 骑士制度也就没有了
so the culture upon which it's a part is gone
Obviously the whole thing is asudden
显然 整件事情突发其然
So things don't look good



  • coden. 码,密码,法规,准则 vt. 把 ... 编码,制
  • faithfulnessn. 忠诚,诚实
  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分
  • fidelityn. 忠实,忠诚,准确性
  • hierarchyn. 等级制度,层级[计],统治集团
  • symbolicn. 代号 adj. 象征的,符号的
  • pearln. 珍珠 v. (用珍珠)装饰,呈珍珠状 adj. 珍
  • diamondn. 钻石,像钻石的物质,菱形,纸牌的方块,棒球内场 v
  • feudalismn. 封建制度
  • illustrationn. 插图,例证,说明,图解