骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第176期:《空暗女王》课本讨论(5)
日期:2016-11-18 11:28



Merlyn is not gonna turn an answer though
Arthur has to think this out He has to figure this out for himself
亚瑟王必须自己想出解决办法 他必须自己想清楚这件事情
And the problem is that Arthur, well Arthur thought he was never even gonna become a knight
但问题却是亚瑟王 他想的是 他永远也不会去当一个骑士
He thought because we wasn't a proper son,


He was destined to be a squire or nothing more
And so all of the sudden, he has won 24 million dollars in the lottery and he says, Wow, you know, this is cool!Give my money to charity?Forget that!
但是突然间 他无意中得到了两千四百万的财富 他说 哇 这太酷了 把我的钱拿去做慈善 疯了
I'll get a Lamborghini along with my Ferrari
You know, let's get serious
Actually, they've done several studies over the last many years you had to poke fun at states
事实上 有人在过去的许多年中做过研究
and for years,The poorer states give more to charity in the United States
你不得不嘲笑美国 在美国 多年来相对贫穷的州还把更多的钱投入了慈善
More real dollars than to the richer states like I think Mississippi the last couple of years, has rated Number one in charitable contributions
比富裕的州投入更多实际的金钱 像我认为密西西比州在过去的几年中名列慈善贡献之首
And a fairly well to do state like Massachusetts has ranked Like last three of the last four years
and so, anyway He's enjoying things, he's enjoying his good fortune and What is he?
倒数第三 在过去的四年中 所以 不管怎样 他正在享受他的事情 他享受着他的富有 所以 他是什么
Again, we say heroes, another characteristic I added was to say that they are naive He is naive
再次 我们说英雄的另一个特征 我补充一下 是他们很天真 他是天真的
And what the result of that naivety is what? He is happy
天真烂漫造成的后果是什么呢 他很开心
He doesn't see things He's just like, well, life is good
他不去看问题 他想着 生活是美好的



  • poken. 刺,戳,袋 vt. 拨开,刺,戳 vi. 戳,刺,
  • knightn. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位
  • characteristicadj. 特有的,典型的 n. 特性,特征,特色
  • naiveadj. 天真的,幼稚的
  • charityn. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • lotteryn. 彩票
  • charitableadj. 仁慈的,(为)慈善事业的,宽恕的