骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第112期:亚瑟的教育(15)
日期:2016-03-31 17:45




So, we really talk about ant's society
所以 我们真的是在讨论蚂蚁的社会
Remember all of these things we were told first on with the fish or whether he becomes a hawk
记住我们首先被告知与鱼一起的所有这些事情 或者是否他变成了一只鹰
and when he becomes other things that this is a society
并且当他成为其他生物的时候 这就是一个社会
This is a social structure
We're supposed to learn from their particular social structure
This world is very impersonal
They use that word on 127 about 12 lines up
we did not treat him as a person indeed
They were impersonal themselves
They even told us what we feel
This is not a pleasant subject
In other words to talk about the ant world is not one we like
换言之 讨论这个蚂蚁世界不是我们喜欢所谈论的
It's dangerous to ask questions
In other words, I don't know what you would do if you say done, not done
换言之 我不知道你们将会做什么
but the idea of asking questions again you're not supposed to think
如果你说完成或者未完成 但是你们不应该有再一次问问题的想法
He says on top of 128 their life was not questionable it was dictated
他说在128页顶部 他们的生活是不可疑的 是命令式的
Now, obviously part of what he's getting to here is Europe in the late 30's
现在 明显是他到这儿是在30年代晚期的欧洲
when we're coming up to World War II
This obviously some of this is supposed to refer to Hitler and Nazi Germany
This is abundantly clear when you go to the middle of page 128
在你们看到128页中部的时 这是很明显的
when he says ant land, ant land overall where Germany over all
当他说到蚂蚁土地时 整个蚂蚁世界就是在整个德国所处的位置
A lot of the stuff that was all right in German lore kind of older romantic material Hitler bastardized
许多的这些东西在德国传说中是真实的 希特勒将其类似于较旧的浪漫材料变得品质低劣
and made his own use of So, now it just sounds bad where historically it was fine
并且占为己用 所以 现在他仅仅是听起来很糟糕 而在历史上却是良好的
We get these justifications, what's broadcast?
我们获得了这些理由 广播的是什么
So, again he's writing this in Europe in the late 30s
所以 他再一次在30年代末期的欧洲写下了这些
All these things are out there about war
So, what's broadcast is this propaganda where you're trying to convince yourself that you have to go to war to protect yourself
所以广播的就是这次政治宣传 在这次宣传中 你们一直试图说服自己 也就是你们必须去参加战争而保护自己
because if you don't other people will be after your space
因为如果你不参加的话 其他人就会跟着你们占用你们的空间
So, we get two different broadcasts, which are sent out repeatedly on the bottom of 128
所以 我们获得两种不同的广播节目 这些不同的节目我们分别寄送到128页的底部




  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • impersonaladj. 不受个人感情影响的,冷淡的,没有人情味的,非特
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • questionableadj. 可疑的,可置疑的
  • hawkn. 鹰,掠夺别人的人,鹰派人物 n. 清嗓 v. 用训
  • convincevt. 使确信,使信服,说服
  • protectvt. 保护,投保
  • propagandan. 宣传,宣传的内容
  • romanticadj. 浪漫的 n. 浪漫的人
  • overalladj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的 adv. 总的来说