骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第157期:《空暗女王》书评(1)
日期:2016-10-03 11:11



Later in life you start thinking,"Well, maybe there is something to that page"
再大一点之后你开始思考 可能这个故事里有一些内涵
And so when we have the introductory page, we have this four little line ditty, right after the title page:
所以当我们读到开篇介绍时 会读到这四首小诗 翻开封面就是
When shall I be dead and rid Of the wrong my father did
我该何时离开这个世界 摆脱我的父亲给我的污名
How long, how long, till spade and hearse put to sleep my mother's curse
还要多久 还要多久 铁铲和灵车才能抹去母亲的诅咒
This introductory page kind of ties in with the very end of The Queen of Air and Darkness


Because if we think of the first part, this is really Arthur's lot,
因为 如果我们想想开篇 这真的是亚瑟的命运
This is his state of, "When shall I be dead and rid of the wrong my father did, the wrong that Uther did,"
这就是他的陈述我该何时离开这个世界 摆脱我的父亲给我的污名 乌瑟给他的污名
in lusting after or more than lusting after Igraine
And "How long, how long, till spade and hearse put to sleep my mother's curse ",
还有 还要多久 还要多久 铁铲和灵车 才能抹去母亲的诅咒
this all just refers to Arthur's family tree
What we're gonna see in here,
we're gonna see our other main group We're gonna see Morgause, one of the three sisters
我们会看到我们的其他主要成员 我们会看到摩高斯 他们家三个姐妹之一
We're gonna see her four sons --Gawaine, Agravaine, Gaheris and Gareth
我们还会看到她的四个儿子 高文 阿古温 葛汉利还有加雷思
We're gonna see how they're raised and why,
我们会讲到 他们如何长大 为什么会这样
in spite of themselves, they are different than Arthur
尽管如此 他们还是跟亚瑟不同
Partly what we see is a result of seeing how they're raised We theoretically get a better understanding of how Arthur was raised
他们现在的样子部分是由于成长环境所致 理论上 可以帮助我们更好的理解亚瑟是如何长大的
In other words, what values he got out of being raised the way he did
换句话说 他在成长过程中 接受了怎样的观点他的行为方式



  • spiten. 恶意,怨恨 vt. 刁难,伤害
  • dittyn. 小调,小曲
  • cursen. 诅咒,咒骂,祸端 vt. 咒骂,诅咒,使受罪 vi