骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第156期:《灰姑娘》书评(14)
日期:2016-09-30 10:46



On the day of Ashputtle's wedding, the two stepsisters came and tried to ingratiate themselves and share in her happiness
灰姑娘结婚那天 她的两个姐姐来了 她们溜须拍马 想分享她的幸福
On the way to the church, the elder was on the right side of the bridal couple and the younger on the left
在去教堂的路上 大姐在新婚夫妇的右边 二姐在左边
The doves came along and pecked out one of the elder sister's eyes and one of the younger sister's eyes
那两只鸽子飞过来 叼走了大姐一只眼睛 叼走了二姐一只眼睛
Afterward, on the way out, the elder was on the left and the younger on the right, and the doves pecked out both the remaining eyes
后来 在回来的路上 大姐在左边 二姐在右边 那两只鸽子叼走了她们剩下的眼睛


So both sisters were punished with blindness until the end of their days for being so false and wicked
所以在最后 由于两个姐姐的虚伪和恶毒她们遭到报应 变成了瞎子
Actually, some years ago, maybe eight, ten years ago,there was a politically correct edition of the Grimm Fairy Tales that came out
实际上 数年以后 可能8到10年后出了一个格林童话的官方修改版本
Because obviously, you know, in this day and time people started reading this and they say,
"Okay What kids learn from this is that if you're blind it's because you're punished for being false and wicked,and ergo you're blind"
好吧 孩子们学到的就是 如果你是双目失明 那么你就是因为虚伪和邪恶而受到了惩罚因此而成了瞎子"
So they had to change a bunch of things But you can see -- you know, it's pretty clear
所以他们不得不修改很多细节 但是我们可以看出 显然
In folk material, there usually aren't too many grays
在民间故事里 有太多的灰色成分
Now, we're gonna get some grays in what we start reading today,
现在 我们要在今天开始读的材料中找一些灰色成分
very much even in the title of the section of what we read today
虽然我们只读了一小部分 但是却能找到很多
It makes me stop and think The Queen of Air and Darkness Darkness That's pretty clear
我总是会停下来想 空气女王和黑暗 黑暗 这够清楚了
The Queen of Air: what is that
空气女王 这是什么玩意儿
I know when I was your age that I was want to skip certain pages like, "You know, this certainly isn't important
我知道我像你们这么大时 会想要跳过这种故事 要知道 这显然不重要
This is just fill, something the author is being cute"



  • skipv. 跳过,略过,遗漏 n. 跳跃,跳读 n. (
  • wickedadj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的 adv. 极端地,非常地
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • blindnessn. 失明;无知;[军]盲区