骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第187期:《空暗女王》课本讨论(16)
日期:2016-12-16 16:51



And, you know, it's kind of I think one thing that concerns me in society is I think as we scrape away levels of civilization,
在社会上有一件事情使我担忧 那就是 我认为当我们在削掉文明水平的时候
It makes it easier for somebody to come and kick into your car door Or something just because, my parent never, never cursed
这使得有些人走过来并且踢掉你的车门变得容易 或者做一些因为我的父母从来不说脏话
you know, I mean, never around the house and
我的意思是 从来不在家里骂脏话
one time, I was always a lumpy little kid, when I was six and I said something That I should not have,
我以前一直是一个粗笨的小孩 我六岁的时候说了一些 我不应该说的话


uh and my mother said, You know, if you said that around your father, You know, you'd get your mouth washed out
然后我的母亲说 你知道 如果让你父亲听到了这句话 你的嘴会被他打烂的
And I laughed as I said like, Yeah, yeah
我边笑边说 是
And she said, we'll see when your dad gets home
我母亲说你爸回家的时候 我们可以见识见识
You ever had your mouth washed out?
I never cursed at home again
But kind of the situation and I feel fortunate sometimes Because a lot of things that people are experiencing in college I kind of experienced in high school
而且我觉得我有时是个幸运儿 人们在大学所经历的许多事情 我在高中就经历过了
But I probably mentioned I didn't use to be this puny I used to weigh about 30 to 40 pounds more than this When I played football on the class stuff
我之前好像有提到过我原先不像现在这样瘦 我之前的体重大概在30至40磅 我在踢班级球赛的时候
You know when I was in high school I just remembered this just the other day, I was so scared
那时我读高中 我只记得球赛开始前 我很害怕
I was like 16 and we just had football practice and we are Nice and all civilized and walking home we went into A place to get a pop and some French fries or something
那时我大概16岁 我们只有一些关于足球的训练 我们当时很彬彬有礼 走路回家 我们去了一个卖汽水和薯条还有其它之类的地方
And a couple as we're sitting down and this guy on the team came in
我们刚坐下 有球队中的一个男生进来了
and he just said something wise-ass to me about,
I think it was about my girlfriend, and I went over
我认为其实是关于我女朋友的 然后我走过去
And I started choking him and I really don't remember this
一把掐住那个男生的喉咙 我的确不太记得后来发生了什么
Next thing I remember was my two friends were on either arms and said
Larry! and you kind of came back to yourself
对我说拉里 你醒了
And it would just scared me It's like there was a thin layer there of civilization
这的确吓到了我 这就像是文明与不文明之间只有薄薄的一层之隔
that the more we get away from being civilized so,
you know there's many layers as we can get there to protect us from that deep core It's probably good
保护我们免受约束的那一层之隔就变得越来越厚 这可能对我们有益处


