骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第162期:《空暗女王》书评(6)
日期:2016-10-14 13:47



They talk about their family tree
and keep getting the stories all mixed up
On the bottom of 215 -- whenever you read some of this stuff,
在215页的末尾 不管你什么时候读这些
sometimes when you read something you think "Why Why This is stupid "
有时候你在阅读时会想 "为什么 为什么这样 太傻了"
Like here, the story of the two castles
就像这个 两个城堡的故事
I mean, why would you put your wife in one castle and go in another castle if you're trying to protect her I mean, it's like what
你为什么要把妻子放在一个城堡里 然后为了保护她 自己跑到另一个城堡里去 这是为什么
Sounds like a bad made-for-TV movie or something This, you know, makes no sense
听起来像粗制滥造的电视剧剧情 这个 毫无道理
Anyway, and we see the movie Excalibur,
无论如何 我们看看电影 亚瑟王的神剑
this is gonna fit in very well Merlyn is referred to here as the wicked magician
情节还是设计得很好 在这里梅林代表了邪恶的魔术师
He's referred to as wicked by whom
By these people Not by the English, not by the English, but by these people
这些人 不是英国人 不是英国人 是这些人
So he is a wicked magician and he even refers to him as a nigromancer - - which, of course, just means black magic
所以他是一个邪恶的魔术师 他甚至认为自己是黑魔法师 当然 这表示他用黑魔法


They talk about the three sisters and we've mentioned them already: the Cornwall sisters
他们说到那三姐妹 我们已经提到过了康沃尔姐妹
So we keep -- we get a bunch of terms thrown out here,
那么我们继续 我们已经列举了一系列的词语
the history of them not particularly important But White uses them so consistently and they argue as to other places White didn't invent these terms
他们的历史并不特别重要 但是怀特始终使用它们 他们认为怀特并没有发明这些词
The Orkney faction are these people --you know, are Gawaine,Lot, Morgause, all the people in this particular part of the family They talk about the Cornwall sisters
奥克尼派的人有 高文 罗得 摩高斯 这个家族中在这个部分出现过的所有人物 他们谈论康沃尔姐妹
Of course, it was the Duke of Cornwall and Igraine was his wife
当然 康沃尔伯爵 还有他的妻子伊格赖因


