骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第200期:复习检测(1)
日期:2017-04-05 10:44



Let's get done with this
This gets us through the first half today So we could have a test next time
这部分会占用我们今天课程的前半部分 所以下次我们可能会有一个小测试
We had left we're in the northern areas Again we're still alternating chapters,
上次我们讲到 我们在北部地区 我们仍然在依次交替这些章节
And some of what's in here is extremely silly Because part of it is extremely serious
其中一些极其没有意义 但其中的一些又是十分的严肃
as we move Arthur toward resolution of what he's gonna try to accomplish Because part of it is extremely serious
在我们转向亚瑟想要尝试 达成目标的解决办法时
To explain again, we were on 272 is that were we were?
再一次解释 我们是在第272页对吗
272 I think, in the middle of the chapter?
应该是272页 是这个章节的中间吗
Morgause who has been kind of captivated by the three knights who Showed up has now decided that they're ridiculous
被出现的这三个骑士迷惑住的莫高斯 现在已经判断他们是很荒唐的
And as women are wont to do, is giving up on them at this point
正如女人们习惯做的 就是在这时候放弃他们
And we see again this different order,
The idea that this world they keep referring to as the old one
That this world where these people are,Where Gareth and his brothers come from is somehow an older world
这些人所在的就是这样一个世界 加雷斯和他的兄弟们来自的这个世界是一个旧的世界
Has secrets that the normal world does not
They talk some about the fort
And when Gareth finds his brothers it's a basic nature of the Orkney
当加雷斯找到他的兄弟们 这是奥克尼群岛的一个基本性质



  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • accomplishvt. 完成
  • ridiculousadj. 荒谬的,可笑的
  • resolutionn. 决心,决定,坚决,决议,解决,分辨率