骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第103期:亚瑟的教育(6)
日期:2016-03-11 18:29




We're on page 101 about 60% of the way down


Well, he said suppose that Morgan is the queen of the fairies


So, we're talking about Morgan le Fay or at any rate, has to do with them and that fairies are not the kind of creatures your nurse has told you about

所以 我们正在讨论仙女摩根或者至少与仙女有关 而仙女并不是那样一类生物 不是你们的保姆曾经告诉过你们的那一类生物

Some people say they are the oldest of all who lived in England before the Romans came here, before Saxons, before the old ones themselves

一些人说他们是居住在英格兰古老的女巫 在罗马人来这儿之前 在撒克逊人来这儿之前 在这些最古老的人他们自己来之前

They had been driven underground


Some say they look like humans like dwarfs and others that they look ordinary and others that they don't look like anything at all

一些人又说他们看起来像人类 像侏儒 其他人认为他们看起来很普通 还有人认为他们根本就不像任何其他的事物

What's that?


They'll put on various shapes as the fancy takes them

大家将他们想象成什么 他们就会以什么形式出现

Whatever they look like, they have the knowledge of the ancient gales

无论他们看起来像什么 他们都拥有古盖尔士人的渊博知识

They know things down there in the burrows which the human race has forgotten about

他们了解去地洞中的奥秘 这是人类忘却的事情

Quite a lot of these things are not good to hear


This is very common in European literature too that mining is a very highly respected tradition

这在欧洲文学是很普遍的 采矿是一种很受尊敬的传统习俗

The idea is when you're down in the earth,


you're nearer to the source of things So, you're finding out secrets or wisdom

你就会越接近事物的根源 那么你们就会发现秘密或者智慧

And also the idea that we've forgotten things


A man who's retired because of a disability, I was kind of conned into taking a jewelry-making class since I've been here

一个人因为残疾而退休 自从我来这儿上课之前 我曾经上过制造首饰的课程

And I try to take a class at least every couple years because I think it's good as a teacher to kind of be on the other side of things

并且我试图至少每两年上一次课 因为作为一名老师我觉得这对我很有用 能够站在事物的另外一方

and see what it looks like to sit on the other side and see how people behave

并且站在另外一边去观看它到底看起来像什么 观看人们是怎样表现的

And so I've tried to be pretty good about that


When we were making jewelry, making gold and silver stuff,

在我们制造首饰 制造金银首饰时

he said that though the Mesopotamians made stuff out of gold,


we still don't know how they did it


We cannot replicate what they did


So, they had knowledge in how to do things that's been lost for millenniums

因此 他们在怎样制造金器方面有着丰富的经验 这些经验已经失传了几千年

And we can't figure it out


So, these people know stuff that we don't even know they know because we don't know

因此 这些人知道我们甚至不知道的事情 他们知道是因为我们不知道

They have no hearts


They're cold-blooded like fish


There are all kinds of little trivia thrown out here that's kind of interesting if not very useful

他们都是一些这儿否决的小事情 即使没有用的话却是一类很有趣的事情

Everything has a name


Her castle's name is Castle Chariot


All the castles have names what's going to be Lancelot's later or obviously Arthur's

所有城堡都有名称 后来成为了兰斯洛特的城堡 或者很明显的亚瑟的城堡

Several people have been taken prisoner because you have to be careful

好几个人都成为了阶下囚 因为你必须得小心

They tell you about the middle of page 102 that all these


well it says one of the few things we know said Robin about the blessed ones that is the fairies is that they go by the name of animals

呃 上面说我们知道罗宾汉不多事情其中之一 说有关于那些被祝福的人 那就是仙女是通过动物的名称而判断的

For instance, they may be called cow or goat or pig and so forth

例如 他们可能会被叫做奶牛或者山羊或者猪等等

So, if you happen to be calling one of your own cows you must always point to it when you call

因此 如果你碰巧叫你自己的一头牛 那么在你们叫的时候必须指出来是叫的哪一只




  • jewelryn. 珠宝,珠宝类
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • cown. 母牛,母兽 vt. 恐吓
  • prisonern. 囚犯
  • disabilityn. 无力,无能,残疾
  • replicatev. 折叠,复制,模写 n. 同样的样品 adj. 转折
  • castlen. 城堡 v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易位
  • respectedadj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,