骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第333期:书评(21)
日期:2018-03-19 07:48



There were a hundred and fifty of them in the happy days, and King Arthur love his Table with all his heart
在那些快乐的日子里 他拥有150名骑士 亚瑟国王全心全意的爱着他的圆桌骑士
He was prouder of it than he was of his own dear wife, you know, part of the problem
他的圆桌骑士 比他的妻子 还要更加使他感到骄傲 这可能也是个问题
And for many years his new knights went about killing ogres,
在这今后的许多年 他的新骑士们杀死妖怪 营救少女
and rescuing damsels and saving poor prisoners, and trying to set the world to rights
并挽救可怜的囚犯 他们为了世界的正义而战
That was the King's idea"
"I think it was a good idea, my lord"
我觉得这是个好主意 殿下
"It was, and it was not"
它是 又不是
"What happened to the King in the end?" asked the child
后来国王怎么样了 孩子问
The Table split into factions, a bitter war began, and all were killed"
圆桌骑士分成派系 开始一段惨烈的战争 然后全部被杀了


He said, " No, no, no." No way. He said, No, no, no"
他说 "不 不 不会的" 不可能 他说 不 不 不
Everyone was killed
This is dramatic literature, everyone's gonna get killed
这是戏剧文学 每个人都会死掉
This is not happily ever after. We haven't gotten there yet
从这之后就不再是幸福快乐的了 我们现在还没到那儿
Except a certain page,
and this page is called upon to remember this famous idea,
这一页被用作 记住他的这个着名的想法
this famous idea,
and this is Tom of Newbold Revell, you know
那就是来自雷维尔纽伯尔德的汤姆 你知道的
And so, he will carry this forward
然后 他就要把这个故事继续下去
Where is the title, Candle in the wind?
但是 标题 风中之烛 在哪儿呢
He obviously is carrying the candle, protecting it in the wind
很明显 他是拿着蜡烛 在风中保护着它
The wind is what?
Social forces trying to blow out this ideal?
I don't know
We're gonna, You know, we can discuss that
我们 我们会再讨论那个
Maybe it'd make a good question, a good short answer question
这或许会是个不错的问题 一个不错的简答题
But the candles, he says on 637, and I'm not sure I even read this carefully before, about line 13, 14
但是 蜡烛 他说 在637页 大概13 14 行 我好像之前也没有认真读过这里
It says, "Thomas, my idea of those knights was a sort of candle
它说 托马斯 我对那些骑士的想法就像是一种蜡烛
In other words, it's almost like, to me, if I'm reading this correctly now, each of those knights had served as a candle, you know
换句话说 如果我理解的对的话 它对于我来讲 就像是 每一个骑士 都代表着一支蜡烛
They had carried this ideal
They were representative of this ideal
as they went around, doing these good deeds, rescuing damsels, killing dragons, doing things that were representative to, of Arthur's ideals
当他们四处行走 做善事 拯救少女 杀死龙族的时候 他们代表了亚瑟的理想而行事
Like these ones here
In other words, the knight are still with Arthur
换句话说 骑士们仍然跟随着亚瑟
I have carried it for many years with a hand to shield it from the wind
我用一只手来遮蔽风 这样拿着蜡烛好多年
So he has carried it himself,
protected it from the wind, the wind of forces that do not want to see such an ideal exist
在风中保护它 社会力量的风不希望这样的理想存在
It has flickered often
I am giving you the candle now, so not literally, but figuratively, you know
我现在就把蜡烛交给你 不是字面意义上的 而是象征性的 你知道
You won't let it out?
You won't let it out? It's a question
你不会让它熄灭吧 这是个问题
So, "You're not gonna let it go out, are you?"
你不会让它熄灭 难道不是么
And the response from Tom is, "It will burn "
汤姆说 它会一直燃烧下去
So he is, Tom's to be the light bringer,
he is to be the carrier of the Arthurian ideal and spread word of it
汤姆带来了光 他承载着亚瑟王的理想 并将它字字传播下去



  • candlen. 蜡烛
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • shieldn. 盾,防卫物,盾状物 vt. 保护,遮蔽
  • dramaticadj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 dram
  • representativeadj. 代表性的,代议制的,典型的 n. 代表,众议员
  • knightn. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位
  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分