骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第110期:亚瑟的教育(13)
日期:2016-03-27 16:44




As we progress through the rest of White's book is that he thinks the only way we can move forward as a society,
随着我们继续阅读怀特书籍的剩余部分 他认为我们可以前进的唯一方法是作为一个社会整体
the only way we can be happy is to accept the status quo
In other words, everybody finally say "Okay you know we can't go back and fix everything
换言之 最后每个人都说到 好吧 你知道我们无法回头去准备好一切
We just have to accept this is the way things are and let's move forward "
我们仅仅得接受事物本身的状态 我们继续前进吧
You can't move forward and backwards at the same time
So, I think to me that's part of what this statement is about that all's kind of forgiven
所以 对于我来说 我认为这是有关这一陈述的一部分 也就是宽恕与原谅
They become friends and they move forward
他们成为了朋友 他们继续前行
I think Merlin says later and this is something I'm very, very bad about
我想梅林稍后也会说些什么 这真的是我很不擅长的
I had a history professor when I was an undergraduate student who said it was kind of scary that
在我还是个本科生的时候 有位历史教授 他曾经说过他能够对论文写出测试性答案
I could write on tests answers to essays, which he could go back, and check his lectures and they were verbatim what he said in class
这真是件可怕的事情 他还可以返回去 去检查他的教案 这些教案就是他在课堂上所说的逐字逐句的记录
It's just you're lucky if you have that gift
如果你们能够得到那份礼物的话 那么你们是很幸运的
What's bad is I wish I were more forgetful because it's a pain to remember everything
糟糕的是我希望我能够更健忘点 因为记得起一切真是一种痛苦
because it makes accepting this status quo or forgetting
You need some button to say I want to forget this
Pull it up like on your computer screen, throw it in the trash and then delete it and say, "Oh, good that's gone"
将它拔出来就像在你的电脑屏幕上一样 把它丢进垃圾中 然后删掉 说 哦 太棒了 终于没了
I don't have to think about that I don't want to think about that
我不需要非得思考这些 我也不想去思考这些
Anyway, he psychoanalyzed him He's fixed That's the end
无论怎么样 他用精神分析疗法治好了他 他被修好了 这就是结局
We now come to the ant world definitely worthy of discussion
What are some of the things we can say?
He's hurt the reason he's changed into an ant at this point is that Merlin's outside of his door trying to educate him
他受伤了 原因是此刻他变成了一只蚂蚁 梅林正在他门外 试图让他接受教育
He can't get big pieces of information through the keyhole
So, Wart said how about a little enchantment
所以 沃尔特说使用些魔法怎么样
We can change me into an ant
There's an ant colony in glass in his room
What's some of the things you think of in this whole chapter about being an ant?
那么你们认为这整一章是在说些什么 是有关怎样变成了一只蚂蚁吗
What are some of the things you call to mind about being an ant?
关于变成一只蚂蚁 你们首先想到的是什么
What is the ants' vocabulary like?
Limited right, they can't express any personal stuff
有限的权利 它们无法表达出人类的东西
Everything is either done or not done
每一件事要不已经完成 或者未完成
That's the only thing they can say
What's their role in life?
How much free will do they have? None
它们将会有多少自由度 没有




  • limitedadj. 有限的,被限制的 动词limit的过去式和过去
  • keyholen. 钥匙孔 adj. 内幕的
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • screenn. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风 v. 放映,选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽
  • colonyn. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落
  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况