骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第83期:书本讨论(3)
日期:2016-01-15 15:10




even get more TV attention on being college close-up


It's a long way over there


But armor should be smooth


The person who did the interview spent last semester in London


She went to the Tower of London and saw a bunch of armor

她去了伦敦塔 看到了一副盔甲

Obviously, if somebody is going to hit you with a lance or something,

很显然 如果有人用长矛或者类似的武器袭击你

with their little folds and everything something to look fancy in or shields on the front

这样的一副盔甲会很有用 前面有块盾牌也是好的

All those little places can catch up so we just have a lot of

那些小知识点你们在课下会补上 我们现在看到的这些

trivial knowledge in here that's not particularly important


Unless you just like to build up information which, I guess, I kind of do


It's autumn and if we go on to page 59, we get Arthur being sad again

秋天到了 如果我们翻到59页 就会发现亚瑟很难过

that he can't become a knight but he would like to become a knight

因为他不能成为一个骑士了 虽然他很想成为骑士

He has an ideal of what he would like to do


He says at the bottom of page 59,


"I was thinking how nice it would be to be a knight like Kay "


Merlin, of course, knows what's going to happen so he gives him clues all the time

当然 梅林对接下来要发生的事了如指掌 所以他给他指引

He says on top of 60, "'Well you will be one soon enough, won't you?' asks the man impatiently "

60页上面他说 "你很快就会成为一名骑士了 不是吗" 那个人看上去有点不耐烦

But it's like Arthur doesn't really listen to him


He says if he can be a knight


As we read this last third of 60, remember

我们来看60页倒数第三行 记住

the purpose of the whole Pellinore episode was to disillusion him about how wonderful knights are


Obviously, we haven't totally had that effect because

显然 我们并没有完全达到那种效果

he would still like to be one

因为 他还是想成为其中之一

He said, "I should have had a splendid suit of armor,

他说 "我本该有一副极好的盔甲"

and dozens of spears and a black horse standing eighteen hands

"数十柄长矛 再加一匹高大的马"

I shall have called myself the Black Knight


I should've hooved at a well or a ford or something and

"我应该跋山涉水 去寻找骑士 让他们为了自己的荣誉"

made all true knights that came that way to joust with me

"或者为了自己的女人 与我决斗"

for the honor of their ladies and I should have spared them all "

"我赢得决斗 但最后我宽恕他们"

Remember, being merciful, you know, that's important

记住 要仁慈 你要知道 那是很重要的

"After I've given them a great fall


And I should have lived out of doors all year round in a pavilion and


never do anything but joust and go on quests and

"除了决斗不干别的事情 不断寻求 "

bear away the prize at tournaments and


I should never ever tell anybody my name "


Have we mentioned that? Why do we tell people your name?

我们有提到过吗 为什么要告诉别人你的名字呢

It was a hard thing for me, when I first moved here

我刚搬来这的时候 这对我来说是件难事

Living in the northern part of the country, where people neatly,


whether it was a car salesman or something,


everybody called me by my first name


It's kind of a strange experience, wasn't something I was used to

这种经历很奇怪 与我之前的经历相悖




  • knightn. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位
  • smoothadj. 平稳的,流畅的,安祥的,圆滑的,搅拌均匀的,可
  • trivialadj. 琐碎的,不重要的
  • episoden. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事
  • interviewn. 接见,会见,面试,面谈 vt. 接见,采访,对 .
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,