骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第368期:艾瑞克的讨论(5)
日期:2018-06-06 07:20


It's good all my professor's when I was an undergraduate student having gone to a small private;
幸运的是我本科毕业的时候 去了个小私立学校
there wasn't a summer school you could teach in
and so it's kind of hard when somebody says, 'You want to teach summer school?'
所以当别人问我 "你想在暑期学校教书"
and say 'oh I can make more money'
but what I still try to do is try to make a reading list for myself, for summer
And it's hard, you know we've probably talked about this before
但是这个很难做到 我们之前也说过这个话题
At least it's hard for me during the semester to start reading anything for enjoyment
但至少对于我来说 教学期间开始读点有趣的东西很困难
Because what happens is instead of getting ready for class


I'm sitting in my office reading my book, I gotta finish my book
我还要在办公室里读完我所列的书 我得读完它
And I say, 'I don't wanna go teach class, I wanna read my book'
and so it's good and then you forget what you wanna read
这个不错 在这之后你就忘了自己要做的事情
So anyway
所以 以上
What we're reading now or what you should be reading now is Erec
And Erec you know, he kinda irritates me as we get on with this, you know
对于埃里克 了解他之后我不太喜欢他
He's kind of a ego maniac, ego man
他是个自我主义者 自我至上
I wrote it down here some place but we you know
我在书上某处写下来的 但是你知道
I was so blabby last time that we couldn't even get the poor boy married
上堂课我东扯西扯 结果还没讲到这个可怜的孩子结婚
We left him over here just really lusting after Enid
关于他我们上次说到这儿 他对伊妮德十分迷恋
And I don't know, you even got to a point where he knows his name, knows her name
我不知道 我们是否讲到他知道他的 她的名字 那里了
We're over on page 20
Isn't that where we stop?
When they were perfect
Top of 22
Well, She has got the dress, you know
好的 她应该已经拿到了裙子你知道的
She was dressed before at least you know, that's the reason why he can see
在她穿上裙子之前你知道的 这就是他可以看见
maybe he see her sides through the holes of the clothes or something
It's like he likes her sides so much!
Anyway I promise to shut up about that


