骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第155期:《灰姑娘》书评(13)
日期:2016-09-28 10:30



He turned his, why would you cut a chunk of your heel off with stockings on I mean you know
他调转 谁会在切后跟的时候 不脱袜子 是吧
He turned his horse around and took the false bride home again
他调转马头 把假新娘送回了家
"This isn't the right girl, either," he said""Have you got another daughter " "No," said the man"
这个女孩儿也不是" 他说 "你还有其他女儿吗" "没有了" 父亲回答说
Now, is her father a scuz or what, you know "No," says the man"
看 他父亲就是个混蛋 对吧 没有了" 这个男人说
"There's only a puny little kitchen drudge that my dead wife left me"


She couldn't possibly be the bride"
"Send her up," said the King's son But the mother said,"Oh, no She's much too dirty to be seen "
"让她过来" 王子说 但是后母答道 "还是算了 她太脏了没法见人"
Cleanliness is next to godliness, right We all learned that as little, little children
整洁近于美德 对吧 我们很小的时候就学过这一点
Wash your hands before dinner -- ya, ya, ya
晚饭前要洗手 之类的
But he insisted So maybe the prince is shaping up here
但是王子很坚持 可能在这一点上他表现得很好
But he insisted and they had to call her
王子很坚持 他们不得不叫来灰姑娘
First she washed her hands and face, good move,
首先她洗了手和脸 做得很好
and when they were clean, she went upstairs and curtsied to the King's son
洗干净之后 她就上楼了对王子行屈膝礼
He handed her the golden slipper and sat down on a footstool,took her foot out of her heavy wooden shoe,
他把金舞鞋给她 她坐在一只脚凳上 脱下沉重的木鞋
and put it into the slipper It fitted perfectly
穿上了舞鞋 刚刚合适
And when she stood up and the King's son looked into her face,
当她站起来 王子看着她的脸
he recognized the beautiful girl he had danced with and cried out,"This is my true bride "
他认出了这个和他跳舞的女孩儿 并尖叫到 "这才是我的新娘"
The stepmother and two stepsisters went pale with fear and rage
继母和姐姐们脸色发白 他们既害怕又愤怒
But he lifted Ashputtle up on his horse and rode away with her
And as they passed the hazel tree the two white coves called out,"Racoo, racoo No blood in the shoe"
当他们经过榛树时 两只白鸽又唱道 看呀 看呀 鞋子里没血
For her foot is neither long nor wide, these guys can talk pretty well
因为她的脚不大不小 这俩家伙说话真好听
This one is the proper bride"
Then they flew down and alight on Ashputtle's shoulders,
one on the right and one on the left, and there they sat
一只在左 一只在右 坐在那里


