骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第150期:《灰姑娘》书评(8)
日期:2016-09-16 10:40



But her stepmother said,"It's no use Can't come 'cause you have nothing to wear and you don't know how to dance We'd only be ashamed of you"
但是她的继母说 没用的 你不能去 因为你没有一件像样的衣服 而且你不会跳舞 我们只会因你而蒙羞
Then she turned her back and hurried away with her two proud daughters And we all know pride comes before the fall
然后她转身就带着两个女儿 飞快地走了 我们都知道 乐极生悲
When they'd all gone out, Ashputtle went to her mother's grave No little mice sewing dresses and stuff
她们都走了之后 灰姑娘跑到母亲的坟前 没有小老鼠缝衣服什么的
She stood under the hazel tree and cried,
"Shake your branches, little tree throw gold and silver down on me"
小榛树 摇一摇 为我抖落金银礼服一整套
This is way cool, yeah I believe that'd win the lottery
这样很酷 对吧 我相信这是中彩票了


Whereupon the bird tossed down a gold and silver dress and slippers embroidered with silk and silver
小鸟从树上飞出来 为她带来了金银礼服 和一双光亮的丝质舞鞋
Ashputtle slipped into the dress as fast as she could and went to the wedding
灰姑娘以最快速度穿上礼服 奔赴舞厅
Her stepsisters and stepmother didn't recognize her
She was so beautiful in her golden dress that they thought she must be the daughter of some foreign king
They never dreamed it could be Ashputtle for they thought she was sitting at home in her filthy rags,picking lentils out of the ashes
她们从未想过会是灰姑娘 因为她们以为她肯定裹着破布呆在家里在灰堆里挑扁豆
The King's son came up to her, took her by the hand and danced with her
He wouldn't dance with anyone else and never let go her hand
他不肯和其他任何人跳舞 也不让她离开他身旁
You know, I think he's pretty scary, actually
告诉你们 其实我觉得他好吓人
When someone else came up and asked for a dance, he said,
当其他人过来邀她跳舞 他就对那人说
"She's my partner" She's going back to this guy, you know
她是我的舞伴 她只好回到王子身边
He's just like the scary date, you know, from --can I say Hell Scary date from Hell
他就是个可怕的约会对象 好像是从 可以说地狱吗 一个来自地狱的可怕的约会对象
Maybe that won't make it Who knows
可能比这还吓人 谁知道呢
She danced all evening and then she wanted to go home
她跳了一整晚 然后她想回家了
The King's son said, "I will go with you I'll see you home"
王子说我送你回去 我想看看你家
For he wanted to find out whom the beautiful girl belonged to Who she belonged to?
因为他想知道这么美丽的女孩儿是谁家的女儿 她是谁家的呢
But she got away from him,
Thank goodness That's an editorial comment, and slipped into the dovecote
谢天谢地 这是编剧部的评论然后溜进了鸽房


