骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第312期:书本讨论(25)
日期:2018-01-29 07:44


I was gonna say puberty but I was reading something the other day
我本来要说青春期的 但是前几天我读到一本书
And it said seriously it gotta be the chemicals in the food and water
They're saying they have evidence
saying females are starting they're puberty now as early as five and six
Five and six
You can't tell me that there's not something in environment
You can't tell me
With all that plastic bottled water
Ten: On reaching manhood whatever point that is
第十 到了成年或是什么转折点
He returned to goes to his future kingdom
Yeah, yeah
是的 是的


I mean even though it's in the same island here he's not there
我是说即便在这里同一个岛屿 他也不在那里
He's out there, he's in El Dorado
他在外面 在传说中的宝山
Eleven: After a victory over a king or a giant dragon or a wild beast
第十一 在战胜一个国王或一条巨龙或一个猛兽后
The point is there is some task he has to do in order to become king
And in Arthur's case it's pulling the sword from the stone
So yes
哦 对的
He marries a princess—big mistake, big mistake
Just like my dad always told me
Often the daughter of his predecessor nah
经常是他的前辈的女儿 不是
And becomes king yeah
然后成了国王 对
Fourteen: for a time he reigns uneventful
第十四 有一段他统治的时间天下太平
Well you know kinda have to skip to the fact that he has to get to the point
哦 这样有一点跳过他到达这一点
Where he can reign uneventfully
Well once he gets to that point he does reign uneventful
You saw that well on Excalibur too
coz he says we have all this peace and plenty
他说我们拥有和平 物产丰富
everyone has food blah, blah, blah
what now Merlin?
He prescribes laws and 'course his last effort is to prescribe law
他制定法律 当然他最后做的事就是制定法律
Fifteen ah
Sixteen: He looses favor with the Gods and all his subjects
第十六 他在上帝面前失宠 失去了他的国民的爱戴
When we get to this very end and we see what happens with
当我们看到这样的结局 我们看到发生了什么
that says in here somewhere maybe in the next part
书上所说的 可能在下一部分中
Or maybe I skipped over it already
That Mordred is bringing up this new association of people for various reasons
Who wanna see injustice, who wanna justice and so they were against him
谁想看到不公平 谁想要公平 因此他们就反对亚瑟
he's gonna follow with Gawaine
he's gonna follow Lancelot to the continent and thus when he returned he's killed
他要跟兰斯洛特一起到大陆上 这样他回去时就被杀了
Eighteen: he meets a mysterious death yes
第十八 他遭遇了神秘死亡 是的
we'll see this the next time, often on top of a hill
是的 我们下次再讲 经常是在山顶
Well Hillic
哦 叫希尔利克山
His children of age do not succeed him, they're dead
他长大的孩子没有能继承他 他么死了
Except some point in this book we go back and read it carefully
这本书中除一些内容外 我们要回头仔细阅读
I don't know if we've gotten there or I've mention it
Some point they said Arthur had two kids
I mean it's just like a little thing the editor missed
Twenty one: his body is not buried, can be, he goes to Avalon
第二十一 他的尸体没有埋葬 有可能 他去了阿凡隆
He has one or more holy Suprecos
Suprecos is for a burial spots, in other words, things where people say miracles are performed, yes
墓地就是埋葬地点 用另一种话说 就是人们所说的奇迹出现的地方 没错
And so if I add this up I get everything but about one, three, six and argumentably five
因此如果我把这加起来 一切就明了了 但是除了第一 三 六 以及有争议的第五点
So obviously in this list he goes really really well
很明显 在这个列表上他的确做得很好
Finish the book for next time we're gonna get them all killed off good dramatic stuff
下次课前看完本册书 我们要把他们消灭掉 真是不错的戏剧材料
See on Wednesday stay warm
周三见 穿暖和点


