日期:2013-10-12 19:57




Why do you have to go for a whole six months?


Well, they want you to commit to at least that long so that they know you're serious.


Wait. At least that long? Matt, this is a big move.

等下 至少这么久 Matt 这可是个重要的决定

Betty... Look, you said that I needed to find meaning in my life, and you were right.

Betty 听着 你说我要找到生活的意义 你说得没错

And I've wasted so much time asking myself, what do I need? What do I want?

我花了很多时间问自己 我需要什么 我想要什么

But your story got me to ask a different question, like what do other people need?

但你的故事让我问了一个不同的问题 比如其他人需要什么

What is this gonna mean for us?


Would it have to change anything?


How could it not?


Matt, you're gonna be living on the other side of the world for a long time.

Matt 你要在世界另一端生活很长一段时间

And I thought that you would be happy for me.


Look, I feel like there's some perfect thing I'm supposed to say right now,and,uh...

听着 我知道我现在 该说些鼓励你的话 但

It's... this is big, and it's sudden, and... I don't know.

这太重大 太突然了 我不知道

I have to wash my hair for Wilhelmina.


Look, I... I gotta... I have to go.

我 我得 我得走了

Betty, look, you said you wanted to inspire one person,and you did.

Betty 你说你想激励一个人 你做到了


Betty: Well, they want you to commit to at least that long so that they know you're serious.

短语注释:at least是副词行短语,意思是“至少”,可以指数量,也可以指程度。

We need at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation. 如欲取消,请至少提前24小时告知。

The government has shelved the idea until at least next year. 政府决定把这个想法先放一放,至少推迟到明年再说。

At least Jeremy had the good form to go back and apologize. 杰里米回去道歉至少是有礼貌的举动。

At least the club keeps the young people off the streets. 起码俱乐部能使年轻人不在街上乱逛了。

文法解析:so that属于复合连词,用于引导结果状语从句,意思是“结果是......,以至于......”。例如:

I stepped aside so that she might come in. 我往旁边走一步,以便她能进来。

Please notify us when you arrive, so that we'll be ready. 请通知我们你们什么时候到达,以便我们做准备。

词汇注释:that在这里是副词,起着强调的作用,意思是“那么”,that long意思就是“那么久”。

Betty: Matt, this is a big move.


He knew one false move would end in death. 他明白稍有差池就会被置于死地。(false move是指“鲁莽之举”“不明智之举”)

Matt: Look, you said that I needed to find meaning in my life, and you were right.

词汇注释:meaning在这里的意思是“(人生中的)意义,目标,价值”。台词中的find meaning in my life的意思是“在我一生中寻求到有价值的追求目标”。例如:

Art has real meaning when it helps people to understand themselves. 当艺术有助于人们了解自身的时候才有真正的意义。

It is a challenge that gives meaning to life. 这是使生活变得有意义的挑战。

Matt: And I've wasted so much time asking myself, what do I need?

口语句型:Sb. wasts time doing something.


I wasted so much time and energy fighting for fairness. 我浪费了很多时间去为公道而据以力争。

Matt: But your story got me to ask a different question, like what do other people need?

词汇注释:get这个动词在这里是使役动词,意思是“使得,让”,get sb to do sth的意思是“让某人去做某事,使得某人去做某事”。例如:

My boss got me to pick his friends up at the airport. 我的老板让我在机场接他的朋友。


Matt: Look, I feel like there's some perfect thing I'm supposed to say right now,and,uh...

短语注释:be supposed to do是一个习惯用,意思是“应该做某事”。例如:

You are supposed to have finished by now. 此刻你应已完成。

What is he supposed to be doing now? 他目前应该做什么呢?

短语注释:feel like可以表示“感觉像是......”,也可以表示“喜欢”。在台词中,是第一个意思。例如:

I feel like kissing you. 我恨不得吻你一下。

He's always made me feel like his own daughter. 他总是让我觉得我是他的亲生女儿。

Betty: It's... this is big, and it's sudden, and...


  • fairnessn. 公平,公正
  • apologizevi. 道歉,谢罪
  • inspirevt. 影响,使 ... 感动,激发,煽动 vi. 吸入
  • challengen. 挑战 v. 向 ... 挑战
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为