吃透职场美剧《丑女贝蒂》第250期:监狱婚礼 新郎逃跑
日期:2013-10-10 19:56




This is not possible. Connor Owens has not been transferred.

不可能 Connor Owens不可能转走

You go get him and tell him Wilhelmina slater is here now for him.

快去跟他说Wilhelmina Slater来这找他了

Go get him! Ma'am, he's gone.

快去找他 女士 他已经走了

But there is an envelope Wilhelmina slater here.

但这里有封写给Wilhelmina Slater的信

I don't want an envelope! I want him!

我可不要什么信 我要他

We're supposed to be getting married today, you fool!

我们今天本该结婚的 你个蠢货

Don't you think he would have told me.

他如果转走 难道不会通知我吗

Connor! Connor!

哦 真该死 Connor Connor

You're gonna have to calm her down,or we will.

你得让她冷静下 否则我们就不客气了

Willie, maybe you should... no!Did he do this?

Willie 或许你该 不 这是他的安排吗

Did he make this happen? He did,didn't he?Answer me.

是他指使你们这么做的吧 没错 对吧 回答我

Willie... Don't look at me like that.

Willie 别用那种眼神看我


1. You go get him and tell him Wilhelmina slater is here now for him.

口语句型1:Sb. is +表示地点的副词(介词短语) for sb.

这个句型表示“某人到某处找某人。”例如:My mother is gonna be upstairs for me. (我母亲过会儿会到楼上叫我的。)

口语句型2:Sb. go do something.

这个句型表示“某人去做某事。”这里go和do都是动词,在美国口语中,谓语中有go,后面是动词的话,可以直接跟动词。例如:I am about go see my classmate in hospital.(我即刻就要到医院到我的同学。)

词语理解:get这个动词神通广大,意义丰富,要根据具体情境具体体会意思。在这里表示look for(找人)。

2. But there is an envelope for Wilhelmina slater here.

短语注释:表示写给某人的信用“an envelope for sb.”,介词用for。例如:She put my letter into an envelope for the chairman by mistake. (她把给我的信误装入寄给董事长的信封里了。)

3. We're supposed to be getting married today, you fool!

习语注释:be supposed to do是习惯用语,表示“应该做某事”的意思。例如:Where am I supposed to pay the excess train fare?(我应该在哪里补票?)

文法解析:you fool在这里做插入语。“人称代词+名词”表示“某人是个什么样的人”。台词中的you fool的意思是“你这个蠢猪”,还有“you ass”的意思是“你这个笨蛋”。用于口语中,可以视为一个短句。

4. Don't you think he would have told me.

文法解析:这句台词使用了虚拟语气。Conor被转移到其他监狱,一向认为自己神通广大的威廉敏娜却毫不知情,她认为这件事情,监狱的负责人要通知他,可是事实上却没有。因此,这里表示与事实相反的情况,就使用了虚拟语气,谓语结构为:would have told me,意思是“将应该告诉我的”。

5. You're gonna have to calm her down, or we will...

短语注释:calm sb. down的意思是“是某人冷静下来”。例如:

He is terribly excited.We must try to calm him down. 他激动得厉害,我们必须想法使他平静下来。

Lady Capulet and the nurse both tried to calm him down, but he was too worked up. Capulet 夫人和奶妈都努力使他冷静下来,但是他太过激动了。

Calm down可以独立使用,意思是“冷静下来”。例如:

Calm down , there's no need to get into a lather about it! 冷静些,没有必要为这件事动肝火!

We will discuss the problem tomorrow, when you calm down. 明天等你平静下来我们再讨论这个问题.

  • faren. 路费,食物 vi. 过活,进展,进食 vi.
  • excessn. 过量,超过,过剩 adj. 过量的,额外的
  • envelopen. 信封,封皮,壳层