日期:2013-10-07 15:04




So guess what?


You remember when I said my friend told me


Ace of Base was playing Tuesday,

告诉我Ace of Base在周二演出

and you said it's Wednesday, dumb-ass?

你还说是周三 小笨蛋

I don't think I said dumb-ass, but...

我可没记得说过小笨蛋 但

Well, I was wrong.

好吧 是 我错了

They're playing today!


Bobby! Oh! It might take you a few tries, Talercio,

Bobby 哦 你还需要再试几次 Taliercio

But when you come through,you really come through.


That's right.Plus,we're having ourselves a little sidewalk picnic.

没错 还有 我带了一些零食

Like we used to,except instead of candy bars and beer,

就像咱原来那样 只是不是棒棒糖和啤酒

we're gonna have actual food, and prenatal vitamins.

而是真正的食物 还有产前维他命

Oh,my god. You think of everything.

哦 天哪 你考虑得真周到

Oh , it is home. Let me get it.

是家里打来的 我接一下哈

Hi, honey. What's up? It's Justin.

嗨 亲爱的 有啥事 是Justin

Oh,no. Are you all right?

哦 不是吧 你还好吗

All right.Just give me...

好吧 等我

No, Justin,it's fine. I'm not that far. All right?

算了 Justin 没事 我离得不远 好吗

Justin,don't worry. Okay. I love you. Okay,bye.

Justin 不用担心 好的 爱你哦 好 拜

He's sick.


No. How sick?

不是吧 有多严重

Sick enough that I gotta go.


But I want you to stay. This was the best idea.

但你就留这儿吧 这主意超赞的

Uh... uh. I can't stay. Come on.This is... this is Hilda week.

我可不能留下 这 这可是Hilda周啊

So what?


You just have fun and come over tomorrow.


You tell me all about it.

明天再来找我 到时候好好给我讲讲

So sweet. Thank you.Have a good time.

真贴心 谢谢 玩好啊

Stay. Have fun.

留这儿吧 要开心哦


Bobby: But when you come through,you really come through.

短语注释:come through的意思是“安然度过,获得成功,经历”的意思。例如:

He's come through some bad personal ordeals. 他个人经历了一些沉痛的考验。

He has come through two world wars. 他身经两次世界大战, 劫后余生。

Bobby: Plus,we're having ourselves a little sidewalk picnic.

短语注释:have oneself something的意思是“自己带了某物”“自备某物”。

Hilda: Oh,my god. You think of everything. Oh , it is home. Let me get it. Hi, honey. What's up? It's Justin.

短语注释:think of可以表示“想到,想起”的意思,也可以表示“认为,看作”的意思。台词中是第一个意思。例如:

We had to think of a way to keep off the infection. 我们得想个办法防止感染。

Did she not sometimes think of that old time of the wine and roses? 她不知会不会有时怀念当年风花雪月的美好情景?

What do you think of my English? 你认为我的英语水平怎样?

What do you think of the ice show at the Center Theater? 你觉得中央戏院的溜冰表演怎么样?

口语句型:Somebody thinks of everything. 某人考虑得真周到。

口语短语:It is home. 这个短语用于电话话题中,表示这个电话是家人打来的。

词汇理解:get it中的get是接(电话)的意思。It是指“电话,来电”。Get it其实就是get the call。

Hilda: No, Justin,it's fine. I'm not that far.


Hilda: Sick enough that I gotta go.

口语句型:Sb is sick enough that he does something. (某人病得很严重,足以要......。)

My father is sick enough that he need to be sent to hospital. 我父亲病的很厉害,要住院了。

俚语注释:gotta是俚语的书写形式,在标准英语中书写为:have got to,意思是“一定,必须”。例如:

You have got to take him right. 你必须规规矩矩地对待她。

We gotta review these ancient articles we have learnt. 我们要把学过的文言文内容复习好。

Hilda: You just have fun and come over tomorrow. You tell me all about it.

短语注释:have fun的意思是“玩得开心”“玩得高兴”,和后面的台词中的have a good time意思相同。例如:

Oh, I have fun when I get a little drunk. 哈,我只是在喝得有点醉意时才觉得开心。

Don't be so bitchy. We'll go out and have fun later. 不要如此暴躁。我们等一下就出去玩。

短语注释:come over的意思是“过来”“顺便拜访”。。例如:

Come over anytime you feel like it. 你无论什么时候想来都行。

And that's why I wanted you to come over。这就是我希望你来的缘故。

  • infectionn. 传染,影响,传染病
  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • sidewalkn. 人行道 =pavement(英)
  • candyn. 糖果 vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖 vi. 结晶为
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • prenataladj. 产前的,出生前的