Man Armed with Knife Kills at Least 3 in France
A man armed with a knife killed at least three people Thursday at a church in Nice, France. Police wounded the attacker, who was captured and later placed in a hospital.
The man repeatedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" -- the Arabic words for God is Greatest -- even after he was injured, said the city's mayor.
This was the third attack in two months. French officials have blamed the attacks on Muslim extremists. The latest incident comes at a time of growing Muslim anger over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. They were republished recently in the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. The pictures are protected under free speech laws in France. Muslims, however, consider their publication insulting to God.
Within hours of the Nice attack, French police shot and killed a man who threatened people with a handgun near the southern city of Avignon. Radio station Europe 1 reported that that gunman was also shouting "Allahu Akbar."
And in Saudi Arabia, state television reported that police arrested a Saudi man in connection with a knife attack at the French diplomatic office in Jeddah. That man is accused of injuring a guard. The French Embassy said the guard was taken to a hospital, and that his life was not in danger.
French officials are treating the knife attack in Nice as an act of terrorism. Prime Minister Jean Castex raised France's security alert to its highest level. He said the government's actions to answer the attack would be firm.
President Emmanuel Macron said he would immediately increase the number of soldiers deployed to protect schools and religious centers from around 3,000 to 7,000. The attack came days before the Roman Catholic All Saints' religious holiday.
The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, said the knife attack happened at the Notre Dame Basilica. He likened it to the execution earlier this month near Paris of middle school teacher Samuel Paty. Paty had used cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a civics class.
In Paris Thursday, National Assembly lawmakers observed a minute of silence in a show of support for the victims. The city's mayor, Anne Hidalgo, said the people of Nice" can count on the support of the city of Paris and of Parisians."
The French Council of the Muslim Faith strongly condemned the attack. "As a sign of mourning and solidarity with the victims and their loved ones, I call on all Muslims in France to cancel all the celebrations of the holiday of Mawlid."
The attack took place on the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Mohammad.
In Egypt, Al-Azhar University, the 1,000-year-old seat of Sunni Muslim learning, condemned the incident as a "hateful terrorist attack."
Protesters have denounced France at demonstrations in several Muslim-majority countries.
France has the largest Muslim community in Europe. The country has been targeted in a series of Islamist militant attacks in recent years, including the 2015 bombings and shootings in Paris. One hundred thirty people were killed. In 2016, a militant drove a truck through a seafront crowd in Nice, killing 86 people.
I'm Caty Weaver.
1.terrorism n.恐怖主义
The spiral of terrorism becomes never-ending.
恐怖主义活动没完没了,不断升级 。
2.demonstration n. 示威
There's been no public demonstration of opposition to the President.
没有人对总统公开表示反对 。
3.militant adj.好战的
They have already been accused of appeasement by more militant organisations.
已有更多的好战组织谴责他们采取姑息态度 。
4.execution n.执行
One of them was subjected to a mock execution.
他们当中有一个人受到了假处决 。
5.The country has been targeted in a series of Islamist militant attacks in recent years.
a series of 一系列的
The students have put forward a series of questions.
学生们提出了一系列问题 。
A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product.
一系列技术问题延误了新产品的上市 。
6.The country has been targeted in a series of Islamist militant attacks in recent years.
in recent years 近年来
Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.
最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变 。
He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years.
他近些年发表了一连串直言不讳、有时带煽动性的演说 。
周四,一名持刀男子在法国尼斯市的一家教堂里杀害了至少3人 。警察打伤了袭击者,将其抓获后送往医院 。
尼斯市市长表示,这名男子甚至在受伤后,还用阿拉伯语反复高喊“真主至大 。”
这是法国两个月来发生的第三场袭击 。法国官员将这些袭击事件归咎于穆斯林极端分子 。最近的事件发生在穆斯林对一些关于先知穆罕默德的漫画愤怒加剧之时 。这些漫画最近在法国的《查理周刊》杂志上再次发表 。这些漫画受到法国言论自由法律的保护 。但是,穆斯林认为此举亵渎了真主 。
在尼斯发生袭击数小时后,法国警察开枪击毙了一名在南部城市阿维尼翁附近用枪威胁民众的男子 。欧洲第一电台报道称,这名枪手也高喊“真主至大 。”
在沙特,国家电视台报道称,警方在法国驻吉达领事馆逮捕了一名涉嫌持刀袭击的沙特男子 。该男子被控伤害了一名警卫 。法国大使馆表示,这名警卫被送到了医院,没有生命危险 。
法国官员将尼斯的持刀袭击事件视为恐怖主义行为 。总理让·卡斯特克斯将法国的安全警报提高至最高水平 。他说,法国政府将会坚定地回应这次的袭击 。
法国总统马克龙表示,他将会立即将学校和宗教中心的安保人数从3000人增加到7000人 。这些袭击发生在罗马天主教万圣节的前几天 。
尼斯市长克里斯蒂安·埃斯特罗西表示,这次持刀袭击事件发生圣母大教堂 。他将这次袭击与本月初巴黎附近的中学教师塞缪尔·帕蒂被斩首联系了起来 。帕蒂曾在一堂公民课上展示了先知穆罕穆德的漫画 。
法国国民议会议员周四在巴黎默哀了一分钟,以表示对遇害者的支持 。巴黎市长安妮·伊达尔戈表示,尼斯人民“将得到巴黎市和巴黎人民的支持 。”
法国穆斯林信仰委员会强烈谴责这次袭击 。“为了表达对受害者的哀悼及对其亲属额声援,我呼吁法国所有穆斯林取消圣纪节(穆罕默德诞辰)的庆祝活动 。
这次袭击发生在先知穆罕默德诞辰的周年纪念日 。
在埃及,已有千年历史的逊尼派穆斯林学府爱资哈尔大学谴责此事件为“可憎的恐怖主义袭击 。”
几个穆斯林占多数的国家的抗议者在示威活动中谴责了法国 。
法国拥有欧洲最大的穆斯林社区 。近年来,该国已经成为一系列伊斯兰激进分子袭击的目标,包括2015年在巴黎发生的爆炸和枪击事件 。这些事件导致130人遇难 。2016年,激进分子驾驶卡车冲入尼斯市海滨的人群,造成86人遇难 。
卡蒂·韦佛为您播报 。