Scientists Find Largest, Oldest-Known Mayan Structure
Scientists have discovered the largest and oldest-known structure that was built by the ancient Mayan people.
Large and shaped like a rectangle, the structure was built between 2,800 and 3,000 years ago in what is now the Mexican state of Tabasco.
Unlike the large Mayan pyramids built some 1,500 years later, the newly discovered building was made with clay and earth. It was likely used for ceremonies, researchers say.
Built near the Guatemalan border, the structure measured nearly 400 meters wide and nearly 1,400 meters long. It stood between 10 and 15 meters high. It had more volume -- the amount of space -- than Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza.
Researchers noted that there were no signs of statues of powerful or wealthy people. This suggests Mayan culture may have had more equality during this period.
Takeshi Inomata, an archaeologist at the University of Arizona, led the research. The findings were published in the scientific journal Nature.
Inomata said that because the structure is so large, "it just looks like natural landscape. But its form comes out nicely in lidar," he added.
Lidar is short for Light Detection and Ranging, a method for measuring distances. It uses a laser and other information collected by flying over an area to create three-dimensional information about a surface's shape.
Some parts of the site are currently covered with cattle ranches. Other parts have trees.
But in ancient times, Inomata said, the structure was likely used for special events. People probably walked on raised paths and inside the rectangular structure. He said they left symbolic objects behind, such as jade axes.
I'm John Russell.
1.clay 黏土
Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations.
黏土和砂岩都是不牢固的岩石构造 。
2.structure 结构
The feet are highly specialised structures made up of 26 small delicate bones.
脚的结构非常特殊,由26块细小的骨头组成 。
3.jade 玉
The statue was carved out of jade.
这座塑像是玉雕的 。
4.currently 当前
The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance.
你现在服用的药物可能会影响身体的平衡能力 。
5.But in ancient times, Inomata said, the structure was likely used for special events.
in ancient times 在古代
The pyramids were built in ancient times.
金字塔建造于古代 。
It was considered irreverent to call the emperor's name in ancient times.
古时候,直呼皇帝名字是犯讳的 。
6.Inomata said that because the structure is so large, "it just looks like natural landscape.
natural landscape 自然景观
New Zealand has a very beautiful natural landscape with green hills and mountains.
新西兰有一个非常美丽的自然景观与绿色的丘陵和山区 。
Large areas of the endless desert and oasis, the formation of a unique natural landscape.
一望无际的沙漠和大片绿洲,形成了独特的自然风貌 。
科学家发现了古代玛雅人建造的最大、最古老的建筑 。
这一巨大的长方形建筑建于2800到3000年前,位于现今墨西哥的塔巴斯科州 。
与大约1500年后建造的大型玛雅金字塔不同,新发现的建筑物是用粘土和泥土建成的 。研究人员表示,它很可能用于各种仪式 。
这座建筑建在危地马拉的边境附近,宽约400米,长约1400米 。高度在10-15米之间 。所占体积比埃及的吉萨金字塔还大 。
研究人员指出,尚未发现存在权势或是富人雕像的迹象 。这表明玛雅文化在这一时期可能更加平等 。
亚利桑那大学的考古学家野田武领导了这项研究 。研究结果发表在科学期刊《自然》上 。
野田武表示,由于该建筑结构过于庞大,“它看起来像是自然景观 。但是它的形状在激光雷达中表现得十分清晰 。”
激光雷达是光探测和测距的简称,是一种用于测量距离的方法 。它使用激光和在某空域飞行收集到的其它信息来创建表面形状的三维信息 。
该建筑的部分区域目前被牧场覆盖,其它区域被植被覆盖 。
野田武表示,在古代,这样的建筑构造可能被用于某种特殊活动 。人们可能通过凸起的小路进入这一长方形建筑 。他指出,他们留下了玉斧等象征性物品 。
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